[Equest-users] Ground Source Heat Pump in Parametric Run

David Eldridge DEldridge at grummanbutkus.com
Tue Feb 8 07:32:05 PST 2022

That might be a structural change to the model that’s too much to account for in parametric analysis.

Since the inputs for the geothermal field are so detailed one approach here would be to run the parametric analysis for all of the features you want to evaluate inside the building’s boundary and then take the last model incorporating all of the recommended changes and building the geothermal run off of that model.


David S. Eldridge, Jr., P.E., BEMP, BEAP, HBDP, GGF/A
Direct: (847) 316-9224 | Mobile: (773) 490-5038

Grumman|Butkus Associates | 820 Davis Street, Suite 300 | Evanston, IL 60201
Energy Efficiency Consultants and Sustainable Design Engineers

grummanbutkus.com<http://grummanbutkus.com/> | Facebook<https://www.facebook.com/pages/GrummanButkus-Associates/1385285015032526> | Twitter<https://twitter.com/grummanbutkus> | LinkedIn<https://www.linkedin.com/company/102242?trk=tyah&trkInfo=clickedVertical%3Acompany%2CclickedEntityId%3A102242%2Cidx%3A2-3-6%2CtarId%3A1445536322603%2Ctas%3Agrumman>

From: Equest-users <equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org> On Behalf Of Ahmad Fraij via Equest-users
Sent: Tuesday, February 08, 2022 1:02 AM
To: Fraij via Equest-users <equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org>
Subject: [Equest-users] Ground Source Heat Pump in Parametric Run

Hello Guys,

I am modeling a building with water source heat pump and cooling tower and the client needs to know the energy consumption difference if he change the cooling tower with ground source geothermal wells.

The problem is I could not find the ground source geothermal in the parametric run as you can see in the screenshot below. Does anybody can help me out on this? How to select ground sources geothermal in the parametric run?

Thanking you in advance for any help.

[Inline image]


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