[Equest-users] Maximum number of expression dependency

Yasin Khan yasinkhn683 at gmail.com
Mon Aug 6 03:09:11 PDT 2018


I am having a problem in my eQUEST model. It shows error "Maximum number of
expression dependency lists exceededs". I assume that this is related to
the model size. Then I found that You have solved this problem by some some
workaround (below):

1. Editing PD2 file with the following lines -
DetailedModelEdits = 1
   ProjTreeType = ( 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 )
   ProjTreeID = ( 10240000, 10081500, 10280021, 10640002, 10480018,
                  10280020 )
   ProjTreeLabel = ( "...", "...", "...", "...", "...", "..." )
   MaxExpDeps = 10
   I don't know where exactly I should insert these lines? I just put these
in PD2 file in the first paragraph before the "..".

2. Blast all "C-" keywords in "eQ Data>\DOE-2\BDLDft.dat". I do't
understand this. Shoul I delete just "C-" words in that file or attached
words too. For exmaple
"C-Schedule" should be changed to just "Schedule" or I have to delete the
complete word "C-SCHEDULE".

And there are another solution which looks so complex to do:

- BDL source code mods to increase the limit of exp dep lists,
- removal of some fraction of the expressions contained in your INP
file, and/or
- the addition of Set-Default statements in your INP file that replace
additional BDL default expressions with static values or symbolic
I don't know how to do it?

So can you please help me in this


*Yasin Khan <https://www.linkedin.com/pub/yasin-khan/72/727/5b5>*
*Senior Energy Specialist*
*(M)**+91 8561010626*
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