[Equest-users] [EXTERNAL] LEED Baseline for onsite cogeneration (UNCLASSIFIED)

Eurek, John S NWO John.S.Eurek at usace.army.mil
Fri Mar 25 08:17:22 PDT 2016


I have, sort of.  The project has a plant making electricity, using the exhaust to make hot water and an absorption chiller using some of the hot water to make chilled water.  I ran in circles trying to figure out the actual plant efficiencies then went crazy trying to gather proof for the leed submittle.  It got rejected, twice.... I went mad, got mad, cussed a little.

I ended up using the default efficiencies under (see page 13).   It ended up changing the energy model by less than 1%. (If I remember correctly)


So you can spend days and days trying to calculate the actual efficiencies and then another week trying to convince usgbs to accept it, of just use the baseline values.

- Note: I realized that since the building was well insulated, low power density, energy recovery, etc.  I realized that even if the default values are less efficient than the actual efficiency, since the majority of the design was focused on using less energy, having that energy created less efficient didn't hurt the values too much.

Note sure if this directly answers your question, maybe the pdf link will be of more help than my answer.

-----Original Message-----
From: Equest-users [mailto:equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org] On Behalf Of Steve Jacobs
Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2016 11:50 AM
To: equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [Equest-users] LEED Baseline for onsite cogeneration

Has anyone done a LEED project with an onsite microturbine used for electricity generation and heat recovery for the hot water loop. 


Appendix G seems to state clearly that I can take credit for the waste heat recovery. My question is if I need to have the microturbine in the baseline,  but not use the heat recovery feature. Or if the Baseline should just be standard electrical use on the main meter. 


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