[Equest-users] error msg: loop - no primary heating equipment attached

Pranita Kothuru Komirishetty pranita.kothuru at gmail.com
Thu Jul 16 06:27:22 PDT 2015

Good Morning -

I am working on a 65 story building in eQuest 3.64. The building is cooled
by Standard VAV units (primary cooling equipement is chillers) heated by
perimeter baseboards (steam boilers).

The first 6 floors of the building have perimeter induction units with no
re-heat. For this I have created a different loop (linked this to the
primary heating loop). This loop is called the Circulation Loop 5 in my
model. I assign this loop to the   baseboard loop in the air side HVAC

When I run the simulation I get the following error:

             Loop: Circulation Loop 5               has no attached primary
             heating equipment.

I could not find anything in the archives directly to tackle this issue.
Not an expert in HVAC and hence need your advise.

snapshot of loop window:

[image: Inline image 1]

Thanks in advance.

*- Pranita *
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