[Equest-users] SI in eQUEST

Pasha Korber-Gonzalez pasha.pkconsulting at gmail.com
Sun Oct 24 21:13:00 PDT 2010

FYI--Here is the response that I received when I contacted NRCAN about the
future release of CANQuest which will be an SI version of an eQuest

Thank you for contacting CanmetENERGY http://canmetenergy.nrcan.gc.ca/eng/ a
Canadian leader in clean energy research and technology development.

CanQuest, a metric and bilingual variant of eQuest recently unveiled at the
eSim 2010 conference in Winnipeg, is slated to be available to the public in
the spring of 2011. Since the underlying DOE2.1e calculation engine for EE4
is no longer actively supported, EE4 is considered to be nearing the end of
its useful life; however, it will continue to be available from the
CanmetENERGY website.

My best regards,

Gayle Corkery

Sustainable Buildings and Communities | Bâtiments et collectivités durables
CanmetENERGY | CanmetÉNERGIE Natural Resources Canada | Ressources
naturelles Canada Ottawa, Canada K1A 0E4
Gayle.Corkery at nrcan-rncan.gc.caGovernment of Canada | Gouvernement du
www.canmetenergy.nrcan.gc.ca | www.canmetenergie.rncan.gc.ca

2010/10/21 Pasha Korber-Gonzalez <pasha.pkconsulting at gmail.com>

> Hi Mikhail,
> it is not possible at this time to use SI units in eQuest.  Canada is
> commissioning an SI version of eQuest, a.k.a. CANQuest that should be coming
> out next year sometime.  This version of the program will be based on SI
> units for it's inputs.
> Until then you will have to practice your conversions from SI to IP and
> vice versa.
> Pasha
>  2010/10/21 Самолётов Михаил <samoletov.mikhail at bt-comfort.ru>
>>  Is there any possibility to change units type in eQUEST to SI?
>> Sincerely yours,
>> Mikhail Samoletov
>> Chief engineer of
>> *"Numerical Simulation Department"*
>> Cvetochnaya str, 25"Zh", 196084 St.Petersburg, Russia
>> www.bt-comfort.ru
>> phone/fax +7 (812) 318-50-30
>> mob. +7 (931) 244-83-77
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