[Equest-users] Unmet Heating Hours - ES

Pasha Korber-Gonzalez pasha.pkconsulting at gmail.com
Wed Oct 20 11:26:40 PDT 2010

It sounds like the heated air is not being allowed to go where there is a
call for conditioning, have you checked your system reports too? it might
have to do with your system & temp scheduling.  Can you send your .pd2 &
.inp file both so that we can open your file in eQuest?


On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 12:22 PM, Kelsey VanTassel <
KVanTassel at sustaineng.com> wrote:

>  Make sure that your thermostat type is appropriate. Use Reverse Action if
> you want to allow the supply flow in heating mode to rise above the minimum
> flow ratio, otherwise use Proportional. Also try reducing the cool control
> range from 4 deg to 1 deg.
> *Kelsey Van Tassel***
> Mechanical Engineer | kvantassel at sustaineng.com
> 608.836.4488 ext. 20 | Fax: 608.836.4477
> Sustainable Engineering Group
> 901 Deming Way, Suite 201
> Madison, WI 53717
> www.sustaineng.com
> *From:* equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org [mailto:
> equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org] *On Behalf Of *Chris Swanson
> *Sent:* Wednesday, October 20, 2010 1:16 PM
> *To:* equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org
> *Subject:* [Equest-users] Unmet Heating Hours - ES
> All,
> I am modeling a two-story elementary school with a VRV / DOAS system in one
> area (classrooms, admin.), and a VAV system in another (gym, cafeteria, food
> prep.).  The unmet heating hours are currently around 750, and I am at my
> wit’s end to reduce them further.  I have incorporated suggestions such as
> increasing the throttling range (currently at 6, helped a little bit) and
> sizing ratio (currently at 1.15, although increasing to 2.00 did not help
> much).  As I have also tried my best to model the VRV / DOAS system, I’m
> still not sure if it is correct…  I’ve just picked up what I could from the
> users archives.
> Does anyone have suggestions for reducing the unmet heating hours that I
> may not be aware of?  I have attached the .inp file.  Can anyone see glaring
> mistakes in the model?
> Thanks,
> *Chris Swanson*
> Mechanical Designer
> Roger D. Fields & Associates
> Columbus, Ohio 43220-2777
> E-mail: cswanson at rdfa.com
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