[Equest-users] (no subject)

Ju-Yeon Julie Shin juyeon519 at hotmail.com
Mon Jun 21 10:18:49 PDT 2010

First of all, THANK YOU ALL for helping me to build this model without giving it up.I spent two days on the weekend to build the model and one day to define zones. Defining zones took the entire day because multi level spaces kept giving me errors so i just assumed that they are all one level spaces. Too bad. (fig#1)
Anyway, I have few questions regarding constructions.
As you can see on the fig#2, "Building Envelope Constructions" consists of "Roof Surfaces", "Ground Floor", and "Below Grade Walls".For the basement floor, does "Roof Surfaces" actually mean the ceiling?
Since the ground floor does not stand exactly on the basement floor (I mean they have different footprints), I believe that the exposed basement ceiling needs different construction. Am I correct? If I am, how can I assign different constructions for each part?
For the first floor, the same screen asks whether it is above a conditioned space or a parking garage, etc. It is actually located above both of them(a conditioned space and a parking lot). I am not sure which one to choose and how my decision is going to affect on the simulation. 
The fig#3 is about a standard floor (6, 7, and 8th). I am still not sure how I have to understand "Roof Surfaces", "Ground Floor", and "Below Grade Walls" concepts.I don't know why I need roof and ground constructions for a standard floor.
The last question for now is about window construction (fig#5). I put window width, height, and sill height. Then I put "% window". The entire window to wall ratio is 49%.But whichever number I put for this percentage, it keeps telling me that it is out of range. Does anyone know how to make it work?
I like using eQUEST "UP UNTIL NOW" but at the same time I'm so frustrated because I have no background on it.Again, thank you so much for helping me.
Joo Yun Julie Shin 		 	   		  
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