[Equest-users] modeling of a printing facility

tserra at emoenergy.com tserra at emoenergy.com
Thu Feb 11 13:42:57 PST 2010

For LEED projects all process energy must be included in both the baseline
and proposed building.  Yes, if the building is 86% process then you would
have to run the building without HVAC or lights to achieve LEED
certification.  This is an ongoing issue with process intensive buildings
such as industrial or data centers.  The LEED program was originally
designed for commercial offices so buildings of this type are difficult to
certify. You could possibly document the energy use of the equipment and
somehow demonstrate that the equipment being used is more efficient than
the typical industry standard.  However, this would take significant
documentation and knowledge of the process energy.

Also, the 3 story limit is for residential spaces.  So a two-story office
would still qualify under ASHRAE 90.1.

> Dear fellow questers
> Hope you are doing fine
> I am simulating  a facility plant dedicated for printing, and trying
> to get LEED certification for it
> The plant is only 3 stories height with storage area,offices  area and
> manufacturing area;
> First; I am not sure if ASHRAE 90.1 applies to this project,because it
> is only 3 stories height and it is industrial;if not, what standard
> shall be followed in this case in order to get the baseline?
> Second; about the process loads in the energy modeling issue: do we
> consider the printing machines as part of the process  loads?the
> printing machines are  running 24 hours/7 days with a  large power
> consumption, which  means that the LEED certification cannot be
> achieved!!
> Hope you can provide me with some guidance
> Thanks anyway
> Haissam Al Mahmoud,BME,LEED AP
> Mechanical Project Engineer
> Beirut,Lebanon

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