[Bldg-sim] Fw: [Bulk] [Building Simulation Users Group] Increasing Life Cycle Energy Efficiency of Buildings: Existing Tools & Solutions to Reduce Embodied Energy

Agnes, Dylan (dagnes@uidaho.edu) dagnes at uidaho.edu
Thu May 16 12:30:17 PDT 2024

Hello All,

Please see below for our next BSUG lecture on June 12th. The topic will be Increasing Life Cycle Energy Efficiency of Buildings: Existing Tools & Solutions to Reduce Embodied Energy by Vaclav Hasik. If you are interested in attending, please use the correct link below. For those not aware we upload lectures to our YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/@UIIDL. You can find past BSUG lectures in playlists by year as well as other lectures we give. Thank you for your support!



Research Scientist II

University of Idaho – Integrated Design Lab

322 E. Front St. Boise, ID. 83702

dagnes at uidaho.edu – www.idlboise.com<http://www.idlboise.com/>

W - 208.364.4622


From: idlboise.com <webmaster at idlboise.com>
Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2024 1:21 PM
To: Agnes, Dylan (dagnes at uidaho.edu) <dagnes at uidaho.edu>
Subject: [Bulk] [Building Simulation Users Group] Increasing Life Cycle Energy Efficiency of Buildings: Existing Tools & Solutions to Reduce Embodied Energy

Increasing Life Cycle Energy Efficiency of Buildings: Existing Tools & Solutions to Reduce Embodied Energy Target Audience: Engineers, Architects, & Simulationists Date and Time: June 12th, 2024 – Noon to 1: 00 p. m. MT Location: Idaho

Increasing Life Cycle Energy Efficiency of Buildings: Existing Tools & Solutions to Reduce Embodied Energy


Target Audience:

Engineers, Architects, & Simulationists

Date and Time:

June 12th, 2024 – Noon to 1:00 p.m. MT


Idaho Water Center - Room #156

322 E. Front Street Boise, ID 83702


Parking is available underneath the building or in the adjacent parking garage.

The first hour of parking is free, each subsequent hour is $1.00.


To Register for In-person Attendance* Click Here<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://forms.gle/FapRj5oUiD33aP3s8__;!!JYXjzlvb!kddcTdvGOnUGbI1ZwKtjmhEJrqCPpuAFbjShmYaip3euOlGrc7mIlIl32BzzDZwPa-leVZAnfKeCSqJEWK6O$>;
WEBINAR Presentation Click Here<https://uidaho.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIldOGpqTkpHdDloHT0jenzb1hYLlifk8yK>

*FREE LUNCH provided to in-person attendees registered 24 hours in advance
In-person attendees will receive a raffle ticket for each session attended for a prize drawing at the end of the year. Door prizes at each session!


To increase life cycle energy-efficiency of buildings, both operational and embodied energy need to be addressed. Embodied energy presents a huge opportunity for energy and carbon reduction in buildings, making it a crucial focus area for impactful interventions in increasing building lifecycle energy efficiency. During this talk, Vaclav Hasik, Program Director at Building Transparency, will share more about the solutions that provide the data and insights necessary to enable the level of action needed to reduce embodied energy and carbon of buildings. Providing an overview of the Embodied Carbon in Construction Calculator and tallyCAT, Hasik will arm attendees with the insights needed to leverage these tools.

Vaclav Hasik
Vaclav Hasik is a Program Director at Building Transparency, a non-profit organization behind the EC3 Tool, tallyLCA, and tallyCAT. Vaclav works on methodology, data quality, and LCA research supporting all three tools. Vaclav was previously a sustainability analyst and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) expert at Urban Fabrick, where he managed projects pursuing LEED certification and helped design teams address embodied carbon through whole-building LCAs. Vaclav also worked as a researcher at the University of Pittsburgh, where he was involved in university-wide carbon accounting, sustainability planning, and research on data and methods for LCA of buildings. He is an active member of the Carbon Leadership Forum and a founder of its San Francisco Bay Area hub.


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