[Bldg-sim] IBPSA-USA Denver - May 20 2021 - Student Presentations 2021
Aaron Boranian
aaron.boranian at bigladdersoftware.com
Wed May 5 13:29:47 PDT 2021
Student Presentations 2021
Research into the next generation of simulation tools and techniques is
being carried out at universities, but much of this information is not
transferred to the practitioners. For this SimClub event, graduate students
from the University of Colorado-Boulder and the Colorado School of Mines
will give short summaries of their current research projects.
Our seven presenters will each give a 10-minute talk on their work with
about 2-minutes of Q&A for each presenter. The presenters and their topics
are as follows:
*University of Colorado -- Boulder*
*Presenter:* Cary Faulkner
*Degree pursuing: *Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from University of
Colorado Boulder
*Presentation title: *Investigation of Building Operational Strategies
During COVID-19 Pandemic
*Description of presentation:* To operate safely and remain open during the
COVID-19 pandemic, buildings must provide the best indoor air quality
possible to limit the risk of infection through airborne transmission. This
work investigates and compares the strategies of dilution through supplying
100% outdoor air to the building, and filtration using two different HVAC
filters. The results are compared in terms of indoor air quality as well as
energy consumption.
*URL: *https://www.colorado.edu/lab/sbs/cary-faulkner
*Presenter: *Chengliang (Leo) Fan
*Degree pursuing: *Ph.D. in Heating, Ventilation and Air-conditioning from
Guangzhou University
*Presentation title: *Evaluation of Advanced Control Sequences for Chiller
Plants with Water-side Economizer
*Description of presentation: *The advanced control sequences are key to
achieve the efficient operation of chiller plants with integrated
water-side economizers (WSE). This presentation is to implement the three
WSE control sequences with Modelica models and evaluate their control
performance in terms of temperature dynamic transient and energy
*URL: *https://www.colorado.edu/lab/sbs/chengliang-fan
*Presenter: *Jing Wang
*Degree pursuing: *Ph.D. in Architectural Engineering from University of
Colorado Boulder
*Presentation title: *Optimal Renewable Resource Allocation and Load
Scheduling of Resilient Communities
*Description of presentation: *A methodology for enhancing community
resilience through optimal renewable resource allocation and load
scheduling is proposed. The proposed hierarchical control architecture
distributes the computational effort and is easier to be scaled up than
traditional centralized control. Each layer of the control is formulated as
model predictive control problems.
*URL: *https://www.colorado.edu/lab/sbs/jing-wang
*Presenter: *Katy Hinkelman
*Degree pursuing: *Ph.D. in Architectural Engineering from University of
Colorado Boulder
*Presentation title: *Modeling and Simulation of District Cooling Systems
with Modelica
*Description of presentation: *The popular, open-source Modelica Buildings
library is expanding its capabilities from building-scale analyses to
include district-scale capabilities. We will present our newly developed
district cooling models that will be publicly released in the Buildings
library. CU Boulder’s district cooling system was modeled and simulated as
a case study.
*URL: *https://www.colorado.edu/lab/sbs/katy-hinkelman
*Presenter: *Yingli Lou
*Degree pursuing: *Ph.D. in Architectural Engineering from University of
Colorado Boulder
*Presentation title: *Building Energy Models for Commercial Buildings Based
on CBECS Data
*Description of presentation: *I will introduce the method to create
building energy models based on CBECS Data. The Medium Office building will
be used as an example to illustrate the method.
*URL: *https://www.colorado.edu/lab/sbs/yingli-lou
*Colorado School of Mines*
*Presenter*: Karl Heine
*Degree pursuing*: Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Colorado School of
*Presentation title*: Optimizing Cool Thermal Energy Storage as a
Distributed Energy Resource
*Description of presentation*: A simulation-optimization workflow that
integrates open-source building energy simulation tools and mixed-integer
linear programming is presented to optimize ice thermal energy storage in
the connected community context. Results for packaged ice storage
optimization in a seven-building case study are presented. Ongoing work
simulating and optimizing multiple chilled water loops at the Mines campus
will also be shown.
*URL*: amber.mines.edu/team/heine-karl
*Presenter:* Mohammadhasan Fathollahzadeh
*Degree pursuing:* Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Colorado School of
*Presentation title*: Holistic optimization approach for electric central
chiller plants in connected communities
*Description of presentation: *A holistic, model-based approach for
electric power demand minimization of central chiller plants in connected
communities considering explicit performance models of all deployed
components -- including chillers, cooling towers, and pumps will be
discussed in this presentation. As a proof-of-concept demonstration, this
study uses a specific branch of connected communities, academic and/or
research campuses. Specifically, the Colorado School of Mines’ main chilled
water plant validates the proposed models and methodologies.
*URL:* amber.mines.edu/project/fathollahzadeh-mohammad-hassan/
*Thursday, May 20, 6 – 8 PM*
(6-6:30 network, 6:30-8:00 presentations)
No charge for remote attendance of IBPSA-USA members. $5 charge for remote
attendance of others.
Please register using Eventbrite
receive webinar details.
Aaron Boranian
808 895-1741
Big Ladder Software LLC
1624 Market Street, Suite 304
Denver, CO 80202
http://bigladdersoftware.com <http://www.bigladdersoftware.com/>
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