[Bldg-sim] Demo of Common BIM to BEM Workflows Using gbXML & the New gbXML Validator
Steven Ayala
sayala81 at gmail.com
Tue May 4 13:11:06 PDT 2021
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Green Building XML (gbXML) Webinar - May 19, 2021
*gbXML.org* <https://www.gbxml.org/> and *IBPSA-USA* <http://www.ibpsa.us/> are
both sponsoring the next gbXML webinar on *Wednesday, May 19, 10:00 AM -
11:00 AM PDT* where we will be presenting a *"Demo of Common BIM to BEM
Workflows Using gbXML and the New gbXML Validator."*
Please register here:
<http://www.ibpsa.us/> <http://www.gbxml.org/>
This webinar is targeted toward energy modelers, energy auditors,
engineers, architects, software vendors, and generally anyone who is
interested in learning about Building Information Modeling (BIM) to
Building Energy Modeling (BEM) workflows utilizing gbXML and the new gbXML
The agenda will be as follows:
- Overview of *gbXML* <https://www.gbxml.org/> by *Stephen Roth*
- Presentation by *Greg Collins* of *Zero Envy*
<https://www.zeroenvy.com/> who will discuss his successes and struggles
with BIM to BEM workflows using gbXML.
- Presentation and demo by *Krishnan Gowri* of *Intertek*
<https://www.intertek.com/> who will discuss the new *gbXML validator*
<https://validator.gbxml.org/> that was developed as part of an ASHRAE
research project (RP-1810).
- Q&A
Thank you to our sponsors for their continued support!
Become an IBPSA-USA sponsor. <https://www.ibpsa.us/become-sponsor>See all
of our sponsors. <https://www.ibpsa.us/our-sponsors>
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