[Bldg-sim] SPC 229 Meeting Scheduled for Orlando
Goel, Supriya
Supriya.Goel at pnnl.gov
Thu Jan 2 16:36:48 PST 2020
A meeting has been scheduled to discuss the proposed Standard SPC 229: Protocols for Evaluating Ruleset Implementation in Building Performance Modeling Software
Details about the meeting can be found here<https://events.rdmobile.com/Sessions/Details/957686>. A short summary of the proposed standard along with the approved TPS have been provided below.
The meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 4th from 1 PM to 5 PM EST at Hilton Orlando, Room- Key Largo B
This will be an informal meeting as the committee membership has not been approved by ASHRAE yet.
The meeting agenda would include an update on the membership applications received, the TPS as approved by ASHRAE and discussions around the key components of the proposed standard.
The standard would apply to software tools that implement rulesets (like Standard 90.1 Appendix G) and can automatically generate the baseline building energy model based on the user's building energy model. This transformation process is complex and largely dependent on interpretation of code requirements. ASHRAE Standard 140 tests some of the physics involved in building energy modeling but does not include any standard method for testing the implementation of the rulesets that are so fundamental to the compliance process. The intent of this standard is to provide definitions, tests, conformance conditions, reporting, data schema and other requirements for testing and verifying building energy modeling software that performs compliance analysis.
TPS: (Available over here<https://protect2.fireeye.com/v1/url?k=1bc3aa6a-477694a5-1bc3807f-0cc47adc5e60-2edf32310aadd863&q=1&e=7b8d0b34-66a1-4500-bcf8-d6d3acdf5920&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ashrae.org%2Ftechnical-resources%2Fstandards-and-guidelines%2Ftitles-purposes-and-scopes>)
SPC 229P - Proposed Standard Authorized November 15, 2019
Title: Protocols for Evaluating Ruleset Implementation in Building Performance Modeling Software
1. PURPOSE: This standard establishes tests and acceptance criteria for implementation of rulesets (e.g., modeling rules) and related reporting in building performance modeling software.
2.1 This standard applies to building performance modeling software that implements rulesets.
2.2 This standard applies to rulesets associated with new or existing buildings and their systems, system controls, their sites, and other aspects of buildings described by the ruleset implementation being evaluated.
Meetings so far:
A small group, including members of TC 4.7 (Energy Calculations), TC 7.6 (Building Energy Performance) and SSPC 140 (Standard Method of Test for the Evaluation of Building Energy Analysis Computer Programs) met several times earlier this year to define the TPS. TC 4.7 voted to approve the TPS at the ASHRAE Summer meeting in Kansas City and TC 7.6 also voted to show their support for the development of this standard.
Supriya Goel
Energy Research Engineer
Building Energy Regulatory Analysis
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
970 Baker Street
San Francisco, CA
Tel: 503-227-7766
Supriya.Goel at pnnl.gov
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