[Bldg-sim] energy plus/open studio hourly results (DView)
Karol Bandurski
karol.bandurski at put.poznan.pl
Tue Jun 18 01:13:18 PDT 2019
Dear Expert!
Thank you very much for your quick replay.
I hope to manage with this support.
Kind regards,
Faculty of Civil and Environemntal Engeneering
Division of Heating, Air Conditioning and Air Protection
Poznan University of Technology
<https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Karol_Bandurski> https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Karol_Bandurski
<http://www.put.poznan.pl/~karol.bandurski> www.put.poznan.pl/~karol.bandurski
From: Jim Dirkes [mailto:Jim at fsmgmt.co]
Sent: Monday, June 17, 2019 8:36 PM
To: Nicholas Caton; Gurneet Singh; Karol Bandurski
Cc: bldg-sim at onebuilding.org
Subject: Re: [Bldg-sim] energy plus/open studio hourly results (DView)
As you might expect from Nick, the "big shout out" is really for my 2% contribution to his 98%. I'm inclined to pay his hourly rate just to soak up his insight and energy 🙂.
James V Dirkes II, PE, BEMP, BCxP
Team Lead - Building Performance
616 450 8653
Foresight Management
<https://fsmgmt.co/> https://fsmgmt.co/
Coffee Conversation:
But to handle human lives with no agreement as to what human beings are or what the purpose of life is - that is a formula for chaos.
From: Nicholas Caton <Nicholas.Caton at se.com>
Sent: Monday, June 17, 2019 1:38 PM
To: Gurneet Singh; Karol Bandurski
Cc: bldg-sim at onebuilding.org; Jim Dirkes
Subject: RE: [Bldg-sim] energy plus/open studio hourly results (DView)
Sorry, I meant to attach the working example for others to pull down and explore. Here is a link (it’s a bit smaller in heft than the source file, clocking ~28MB).
cid:image005.png at 01D515A3.47EDD880
Nick Caton, P.E., BEMP
Senior Energy Engineer
Regional Energy Engineering Manager
Energy and Sustainability Services
Energy Performance Contracting
913 . 564 . 6361
785 . 410 . 3317
913 . 564 . 6380
<mailto:nicholas.caton at se.com> nicholas.caton at se.com
15200 Santa Fe Trail Drive
Suite 204
Lenexa, KS 66219
United States
cid:image006.png at 01D515A3.47EDD880
From: Nicholas Caton
Sent: Monday, June 17, 2019 12:34 PM
To: Gurneet Singh <gurneet at edsglobal.com>; Karol Bandurski <karol.bandurski at put.poznan.pl>
Cc: bldg-sim at onebuilding.org; Jim Dirkes <Jim at fsmgmt.co>
Subject: RE: [Bldg-sim] energy plus/open studio hourly results (DView)
BIG SHOUTOUT TO JIM DIRKES! He helped me with making this a potentially useful contribution for the e+ folks out there.
I’ll also preface that what I’m covering is an intro to a skillset ANY simulation engine/platform practicioner might want to learn more about. I make extremely regular use of power queries for input/output handling, manipulation/processing, QC, and effective visualization of my findings.
I can see a way to manipulate this example file into automated CSV exports, Excel tables, and/or to go a step further and create your own automated & dynamic output visualizations. Very similar in endgame results to DView but with a lot more potential to create a suite custom-tailored to your own individual needs.
Noting the extension of the output file is .sql, I decided to give something a try, with positive results! This approach requires either PowerBI Desktop (free download from MS), or else a version of Excel newer than 2013.
My provided example if you want to follow along is using O365 (most current version of Excel that my IT team has rolled out), so if you’re using PowerBI, or Excel 2013/2016 you might find things are named/organized slightly differently.
Step 0 (required only the first time you do this)
* Install SQLite ODBC driver: Install 32 vs 64 bit version to match your version of Excel/PowerBI desktop.
* http://www.ch-werner.de/sqliteodbc/
Step 1:
* Open a new Excel worksheet
* Data tab, Get Data, From Other Sources, From ODBC
Step 2
* Select “SQLite3 Datasource”
* Click Advanced, and in the first field type “database=” followed by the SQLite file path (to your energyplus export SQL file)
* Click OK
Step 3
* In the next dialog, click “Default or Custom”
* Click Connect
Step 4
* … and we’re in!
* At this point, if you have some familiarity with Excel power queries and/or SQL databases, you can probably fly on your own and begin automating visualizations, QC measures, and/or simple table/CSV exports for manipulation/review in other workbooks.
* Of note, everything we just stepped through (and visualization/export options to follow) could be fully automated, to the extent you could define consistently needed data/visualations of the contents of a typical sql output. This would allow you to, for example immediately create/refresh results once you have a set of outputs/visuals that you like.
Steps 5+
* For those still unfamiliar with power queries and similar, I’m providing a couple a couple “proof of concept” examples you might be interested to review and explore. This workbook includes the examples illustrated, for perusal.
* From here, I’ll emphasis that I as an individual am NOT savvy to e+ output conventions (doe2 is still my daily workhorse engine). I am however trying to give a sense of what’s possible for those of you with an e+ interest to get your feet wet.
* I first married the ReportVariableData and ReportVariableDataDictionary tables within the SQL source. This combines the raw timestep and numerical values with human-legible/interpretable descriptions of what those values/timesteps represent. The result is the query titled ReportData+Dictionary in the provided example workbook. (One could substantially streamline this source pull into a single query, but I left it in this stepped-out form to help new folks pick up the example).
* I also did some minimal housekeeping to trim unnecessary (Assumptions made!) columns for the final output, and to combine stuff like units into the variable name text strings.
* Then, on creating a pivot table/chart pointing at this new query, I can add 1+ slicers and immediately allow for dynamically investigate any combination of variables at the resolution of their native timestep (determined way back at the e+ model). Again, I see substantial potential for streamlining this to automate the sum/averaging/max/min operations of variable values, to reduce the amount of data being loaded up here for visualization. Someone further invested in the e+ ecosystem would likely see the value in that and be driven to cut the fluff in the standard outputs further – leaving this as a strong suggestion if you’re still reading 😉.
* An overlay of “district” heating and cooling energies.
* A simple observation – If I’m correct in assuming the first time intervals of this simulation are at/around January 1, then someone may want to look into the peak cooling draws in the dead of winter here!
* Digging into Zone temps:
* Looks like the variable KeyValue from the ReportDictionary query is necessary for distinguishing between different zones you might want to report on. I’ve added that as a secondary slicer.
* Note you can overlay one or more different zones by playing with the slicer on the right, or switch over to other zonal variables options using the slicer on the left.
* In any case, we can observe a couple interesting points:
* All of the 4 zones have temperatures in the ballpark of 27C for the same period you see the preceding monster cooling load spike… discomfort follows that energy jump!
* The rest of this looks like fairly regular setback behavior, although…
* It appears your systems’ as specified are struggling to keep up with the zonal temperature setpoint for portions of the summer (where we see little humps rising above the flatline).
* How about the weather?
* Checking out Drybulb and Wetbulb (both in C),
* Overlaying both:
* Wetbulb generally appears fairly normal – although hey! It looks like part of the reason for your simulation’s cooling jump at the beginning is due to it being pretty hot outside (jumping higher even than your summertime peak) for those first 1000 or so intervals!
* Drybulb is a little funny… This may be more intuitive to e+ veterans for some quirk/feature I haven’t learned yet, but it appears your simulation only has ~19 distinct values at disparate time intervals for outside drybulb… confirmed this isn’t an artifact of Excel’s visualization limitations by diving back into the source query:
I sincerely hope this example is instructive and provides someone out there with the motivation/interest to build a new skillset! If after this anyone grows “query-savvy…” be sure to touch base with me so I’m personally aware – I might someday want to poach you (back?) into the doe2 world 😉!
Best regards,
cid:image005.png at 01D515A3.47EDD880
Nick Caton, P.E., BEMP
Senior Energy Engineer
Regional Energy Engineering Manager
Energy and Sustainability Services
Energy Performance Contracting
913 . 564 . 6361
785 . 410 . 3317
913 . 564 . 6380
15200 Santa Fe Trail Drive
Suite 204
Lenexa, KS 66219
United States
cid:image006.png at 01D515A3.47EDD880
From: Bldg-sim <bldg-sim-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org> On Behalf Of Gurneet Singh via Bldg-sim
Sent: Monday, June 17, 2019 9:04 AM
To: Karol Bandurski <karol.bandurski at put.poznan.pl>
Cc: bldg-sim <bldg-sim at lists.onebuilding.org>
Subject: Re: [Bldg-sim] energy plus/open studio hourly results (DView)
[External email: Use caution with links and attachments]
Hi Karol,
You can use the openstudio measure to export an output variable in csv or xls file format. You have to use this in conjunction with Add Output Variable measure.
Add Output Variable: https://bcl.nrel.gov/node/37843 <https://eur02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fbcl.nrel.gov%2Fnode%2F37843&data=02%7C01%7CNicholas.Caton%40se.com%7C6b08d0320e3d462b7aa008d6f32cb703%7C6e51e1adc54b4b39b5980ffe9ae68fef%7C0%7C0%7C636963770707416622&sdata=csBNIY1Y%2BogYfVeefpe9DasUUfU1ydHojmDfnMufkTo%3D&reserved=0>
Export Output Variable : https://bcl.nrel.gov/node/83268 <https://eur02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fbcl.nrel.gov%2Fnode%2F83268&data=02%7C01%7CNicholas.Caton%40se.com%7C6b08d0320e3d462b7aa008d6f32cb703%7C6e51e1adc54b4b39b5980ffe9ae68fef%7C0%7C0%7C636963770707426617&sdata=WlLFvKkxwhpPm3sRs9t21reBA7lKJmJpFoov%2Fh4u7YY%3D&reserved=0>
I hope it helps.
Gurneet Singh
Environmental Design Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
D-1/25, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi 110057
[m] +91 9899240140 [t] +91 11 2614 7085 [f] +91 11 4056 8633
<mailto:gurneet at edsglobal.com> gurneet at edsglobal.com | <https://eur02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.edsglobal.com%2F&data=02%7C01%7CNicholas.Caton%40se.com%7C6b08d0320e3d462b7aa008d6f32cb703%7C6e51e1adc54b4b39b5980ffe9ae68fef%7C0%7C0%7C636963770707426617&sdata=OeEp529%2FNMuAmWTKSdvS7gw%2FtGjne88XU1d1rgurfXQ%3D&reserved=0> www.edsglobal.com
On Mon, Jun 17, 2019 at 4:18 PM Karol Bandurski via Bldg-sim <bldg-sim at lists.onebuilding.org> wrote:
Dear Experts,
We start work with student in OpenStudio. Now we would like to explore hourly results.
1) Is some simple way to export all hourly results to *.csv / *.xls format?
2) We try to use DView. But it is not manage to open file, it close itself. What could be wrong…
Our file:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/7c87etxszrlwbiz/eplusout.sql?dl=0 <https://eur02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dropbox.com%2Fs%2F7c87etxszrlwbiz%2Feplusout.sql%3Fdl%3D0&data=02%7C01%7CNicholas.Caton%40se.com%7C6b08d0320e3d462b7aa008d6f32cb703%7C6e51e1adc54b4b39b5980ffe9ae68fef%7C0%7C0%7C636963770707436609&sdata=cNzD19E8Gs3DjN6GG54xmK7J9wB8T%2FXYqfXvPCwhDGU%3D&reserved=0>
Kind regards,
Faculty of Civil and Environemntal Engeneering
Division of Heating, Air Conditioning and Air Protection
Poznan University of Technology
https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Karol_Bandurski <https://eur02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.researchgate.net%2Fprofile%2FKarol_Bandurski&data=02%7C01%7CNicholas.Caton%40se.com%7C6b08d0320e3d462b7aa008d6f32cb703%7C6e51e1adc54b4b39b5980ffe9ae68fef%7C0%7C0%7C636963770707436609&sdata=QU%2B2cWmHn7kuJp3ZjYrYEkNQPqDKm3JHthuAYOGu108%3D&reserved=0>
<https://eur02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http:%2F%2Fwww.put.poznan.pl%2F~karol.bandurski&data=02%7C01%7CNicholas.Caton%40se.com%7C6b08d0320e3d462b7aa008d6f32cb703%7C6e51e1adc54b4b39b5980ffe9ae68fef%7C0%7C0%7C636963770707436609&sdata=LgwSO78uxDsRVAuMJhHZPCLhI5djtTYpBGJFP5sEruc%3D&reserved=0> www.put.poznan.pl/~karol.bandurski
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