[Bldg-sim] IBPSA Denver - October 18 - 2018 BPACS Un-Conference
Aaron Boranian
aaron.boranian at bigladdersoftware.com
Thu Oct 4 10:57:33 PDT 2018
Come and join us in person or via webinar for the next Denver chapter of
IBPSA-USA event of 2018!
2018 BPACS Un-Conference
Did you attend the 2018 Building Performance Analysis Conference & SimBuild
(BPACS) in Chicago and see some really interesting things that you want to
share? Did you miss the conference but want to catch up on what you
missed? The Denver chapter of IBPSA-USA is hosting a 2018 BPACS
Un-Conference to recap all the new and exciting work going on in the
building energy modeling world. We are looking for volunteers to talk for 5
minutes about their favorite conference experience (conference talk,
modeling competition, vendor demos, anything else) that they themselves did
not present. If you are willing to volunteer for one of these slots please
send an email to Joel Neymark at neymarkj at msn.com so that we can coordinate
the talks. If you didn’t go but are interested in hearing about a
particular topic, please let us know what you want to hear about.
*Thursday, October 18, 6 – 8pm*
(6-6:30 network, 6:30-7:30 presentations, 7:30-8 questions)
The Weidt Group
The Alliance Center
1536 Wynkoop Street, Conference Room 5B (Colfax Room)
Denver, CO 80202
$10 - Register online
<https://rockymtnashrae.starchapter.com/meetinginfo.php?id=251> or at the
Contact info: Joel Neymark | neymarkj at msn.com
*Remote Webinar:*
(6:30-7:30 presentations, 7:30-8 questions)
No charge for remote attendance.
Registration URL:
Webinar ID: 774-499-939
Participants can use their telephone or computer mic & speakers (VoIP).
United States: +1 (562) 247-8422
Access Code: 635-531-966
Audio PIN: Shown after joining the webinar
Aaron Boranian
808 895-1741
Big Ladder Software LLC
1624 Market Street, Suite 304
Denver, CO 80202
http://bigladdersoftware.com <http://www.bigladdersoftware.com/>
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