[Bldg-sim] Job opening at Singapore-MIT Alliance - Software Developer/Engineer for urban climate tools
Negin Nazarian via Bldg-sim
bldg-sim at lists.onebuilding.org
Tue Apr 11 07:43:47 PDT 2017
Dear IBPSA and BLDG-SIM Community,
The Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology (SMART) seeks a
Developer/Engineer* to contribute to the model development and
co-simulation in the field of urban climatology.
The primary focus of this work is to evaluate the *coupling and cross-model
communication* methodology across various existing tools, including the
Indoor-Outdoor Energy Balance Simulator (TUF-IOBES), Discrete Anisotropic
Radiative Transfer (DART), and Outdoor Thermal Comfort in 3D (OTC3D)
models. Additionally, the applicant is expected to help on improving the
programming efficiency of each model.
The requirement for this position is as follows:
- Bachelor or Master of Science degree in Computer Science or other
related fields.
- Have significant programming skills including previous experience or
knowledge of different programming languages. Prior experience with C/C++
and Python is expected and knowledge of XML file format and FORTRAN would
be a plus.
- Preference is given to applicants with previous experience with
co-simulation platforms and knowledge of advanced data visualization
For more information, please refer to the job description
or contact the lead PI (Dr. Negin Nazarian) at negin at smart.mit.edu.
Negin Nazarian, PhD
SMART Scholar
Center for Environmental Sensing and Modeling
Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology
Cell: +65 8285 4142, +1 858 699 9870
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