[Bldg-sim] PIU

Vikram Sami vssami at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 30 07:10:43 PDT 2010

My understanding of this:
With parallel or series PIUs this is the temperature schedule for when the zone fans turn on. I think the default is to schedule this for the heating schedule. So in heating mode, when the space temperature drops below the setpoint, the zone fan circulates first before the AHU. 

--- On Mon, 3/29/10, sambhav tiwari <tiwari.sambhav at gmail.com> wrote:

From: sambhav tiwari <tiwari.sambhav at gmail.com>
Subject: [Bldg-sim] PIU
To: bldg-sim at lists.onebuilding.org
Date: Monday, March 29, 2010, 10:51 PM

Hi All,
            There is a Shedule type as TEMPERATURE for PIU in which the values for occupied hrs are taken by default as 77F .Can anyone tell for what this schedule type is used. Is it used for some specific type of HVAC system or for all typre of system.

I look forward for your response.

Sambhav  Tiwari.

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