[Bldg-sim] GSHP EIR Part Load Curve

Karen Walkerman kwalkerman at gmail.com
Tue May 20 08:22:35 PDT 2008

Usually when you specify a heat pump system, the cooling compressor type is
specified as single speed (under airside HVAC, Cooling, Unitary Power).  I
believe that the part load ratio is based on how often the compressor cycles
over the hour simulated.

Also, even though the system is PVVT, default minimum airflows are given at
a ratio of 1.


On Tue, May 20, 2008 at 9:45 AM, Tony Kriel <tkriel at sustaineng.com> wrote:

>  SIM List,
> We are modeling a GSHP system in eQuest.  After selecting the options in
> the wizard and running the model we noticed that the space heating was quite
> a bit lower when compared to a VAV system for the same project.
> We then went into detailed mode and started to look into what performance
> curves the heat pumps had defaulted.  It seemed that the default part load
> curve (HEAT-EIR-FPLR) that eQuest selected, seemed very aggressive.  It is
> my understanding that the heat pumps cycle on and off when needed, and when
> they cycle on and off they operate at 100%.  So, should the part load curve
> be changed to be 100%, (ie it shouldn't have a part load curve)?  Or should
> we be looking at something else.
> Thanks,
> Tony Kriel
> Mechanical Engineer
> Sustainable Engineering Group, LLC.
> 431 Charmany Drive, Suite 102
> Madison, WI 53719
> Phone:  (608) 231-9664 ext. 16
> Fax:  (608) 231-9665
> E-mail:  tkriel at sustaineng.com
> Web:  www.sustaineng.com
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