[Bldg-sim] Title-24 modeling w/ eQUEST

Hwakong Cheng hwakong at hotmail.com
Thu Jan 24 22:38:13 PST 2008


We have bumped into bugs and hiccups doing Title 24 compliance runs in
eQUEST too. Two suggestions that I can offer:

If the compliance run completes normally and shows savings over the standard
but yet the building inexplicably does not comply, try reviewing the hours
out of throttling range in the standard run. It's likely that the system in
your base model meets the loads fine with few hours out of throttling but
that the model of the standard building has excessive hours out of
throttling range due to the translation of the ruleset. Make sure to select
the option for full reporting before you start the compliance run so that
you can identify where the loads are not met (SS-R is a good place to look).
You can also open the .INP for the standard run, create a new .PD2 for it,
and then dig into what the underlying problem is. The trick is to change
your original model so that it still reflects your proposed building, but
also limits the hours of throttling in the standard run. 

Also, look for the .CAL file that is generated when you do T24 compliance
runs in eQUEST. If there are errors, they should be reported in there.
Supposedly there is a toggle in one of the .INI files in the eQUEST program
file directory that can increase the level of reporting to this .CAL file

Best of luck.




From: bldg-sim-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org
[mailto:bldg-sim-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org] On Behalf Of Ellen Franconi
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2008 9:21 AM
To: Bldg-sim at lists.onebuilding.org
Subject: [Bldg-sim] Title-24 modeling w/ eQUEST


We haven't had much success using the Title-24 wizard within eQUEST. We get
errors that we can't track that prevent the proposed design from
demonstrating compliance. We've gotten simple buildings to work but none of
the more complex ones that we usually construct. While we have contacted the
eQUEST developers, we have not received any support to aid us in trouble
shooting the errors. As a result, we have had to build a second model in
EnergyPro so that we could demonstrate compliance.


What has other people's experience been? Have other firms also had problems
with the Title-24 wizard? If so, do you use eQUEST in conjunction with
EnergyPro? Do you do all the design assistance analysis AND the compliance
analysis in EnergyPro? And then for CA projects there may also be a need to
do Savings-By-Design calculations? Are people running into the same problem
there with eQUEST?


Thanks for any insights you can provide.





Ellen Franconi, Ph.D., LEED AP

Energy Analysis Group Manager

Architectural Energy Corporation

2540 Frontier Avenue

Boulder, CO 80301

tel. 303-444-4149

fax 303-444-4303

efranconi at archenergy.com

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