[Bldg-sim] eQUEST sizing air flow for LEED base case

Zhen Tian tianzhen9 at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 24 10:40:03 PST 2008

Dear all,

I have a question for sizing the LEED ASHRAE base case air flow within eQUEST.

In ASHRAE Appendex G, the base case for sizing space air flow rate method is based on supply air and space temperature difference of 20 F. 

Within eQUEST, for system wizard 2, in "Air flows"-"Minimum Design Flow", the default value is 0.5CFM/Ft2. I checked the help file, it says for conventional design, the number is 1CFM/Ft2. I did the sizing simulation based on these
two values and found big difference in the SV-A report "Support  flow". In my understanding, the 0.5CFM/Ft2, or 1CFM/Ft2 only describes the minimum flow rate, why this value will affect the design air flow rate? Could somebody tell what number should I use to sizing design air flow rate for meeting LEED-ASHRAE requirements?

Thanks a lot in advance.



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