[Bldg-sim] Title-24 modeling w/ eQUEST

W. Peter Anderson panderson at jpengineer.com
Thu Jan 24 11:50:32 PST 2008

Greetings I have just started using eQuest and am working on a relatively simple model (not Tilte 24).

I was considering EnergyPro but was persuaded to go with eQuest.

I am getting the impression from these dialogues (as well as others) over the past week that EnergyPro is a much better program.  

Personally, I have been getting very frustrated with eQuest just in trying to model a basic building - 3 floors with different occupancys/construction; editing schedules, modeling existing HVAC systems.

Is that a general consensous?

W. Peter Anderson, P.E
JP Engineering

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: gaurav mehta 
  To: Bldg-sim at lists.onebuilding.org 
  Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2008 1:00 PM
  Subject: Re: [Bldg-sim] Title-24 modeling w/ eQUEST

  I ran into a similar problem myself and it was just a few days before the deadline. Having received no support from the eQuest developers, I had to rebuild the model in EnergyPro. 

  However, I would like to add here that the project I was dealing with has a complex geometry- the whole building is curvilinear and has sloping roofs and it helped that I had a 3D eQuest model. I had to print some 170 pages (85 back to back) of LV-C Report and then input some 120 or so external walls and roofs into EnergyPro. I was not at all happy doing that in a matter of 1 day (and night). 

  In case my email gives an impression of being positive in terms of Title 24 compliance and using eQuest then I would like emphasize - I would never ever use eQuest for Title 24 compliance. 

  Best regards,

  Gaurav Mehta

  Sustainable Building Analyst

  Stantec Consulting

  On 1/24/08, Ellen Franconi <EFranconi at archenergy.com> wrote: 
    We haven't had much success using the Title-24 wizard within eQUEST. We get errors that we can't track that prevent the proposed design from demonstrating compliance. We've gotten simple buildings to work but none of the more complex ones that we usually construct. While we have contacted the eQUEST developers, we have not received any support to aid us in trouble shooting the errors. As a result, we have had to build a second model in EnergyPro so that we could demonstrate compliance. 

    What has other people's experience been? Have other firms also had problems with the Title-24 wizard? If so, do you use eQUEST in conjunction with EnergyPro? Do you do all the design assistance analysis AND the compliance analysis in EnergyPro? And then for CA projects there may also be a need to do Savings-By-Design calculations? Are people running into the same problem there with eQUEST? 

    Thanks for any insights you can provide.


    Ellen Franconi, Ph.D., LEED AP
    Energy Analysis Group Manager
    Architectural Energy Corporation
    2540 Frontier Avenue
    Boulder, CO 80301
    tel. 303-444-4149
    fax 303-444-4303
    efranconi at archenergy.com

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