[TRNSYS-users] Using type 56 - Surface inventory / thermal bridges

manoj kumar singh mksinghtu at gmail.com
Wed Apr 3 03:20:53 PDT 2013

Dear Jean-François Maissin,

Please read Volume 5 "Multizone Building modelling with type 56 and
TRNBuild" of TRNSYS manual. You can also add your material to the wall
library if you know the thermo-physical properties of the material like
conductivity, Density and capacity. But be careful with the units while
using this.

Hope this will serve your purpose.



On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 11:19 AM, Jean-François Maissin <
jf.maissin at neo-ides.be> wrote:

> Hello all,
> Is it possible to get an automatic "global surface inventory" *by type of
> wall* with the type 56?
> Moreover, how to encode thermal bridges in the type 56? I don't understand
> how to deal with the manual.
> Thank you in advance for your answer.
> ______________________
> Ing. Jean-François Maissin
> Ingénieur de Projets
> *
> *
> NEO&IDES sprl
> Liege Science Park - Sart-Tilman
> Rue des Chasseurs Ardennais, 3
> B-4031 Liège
> Belgium
> Fixe : 04/366.00.17
> GSM : 0499/10.78.21
> jf.maissin at neo-ides.be
> www.neo-ides.be
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*Office Address:-*
*Dr. Manoj Kumar Singh*
*Postdoctoral fellow*
*Université de Liège - Faculté des Sciences Appliquées
Département ArGEnCo - Secteur TLU+C
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Bureau 443 -  Bât. B52/3
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                               mksinghtu at rediffmail.com
                               mksinghiitd at gmail.com

 MOBILE NO. +32-488-016-809 (liege, Belgium) Pl contact at this number
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*Mr. Manoj Kumar Singh*
*Rue De Harlez, 40,*
*Liege-4000, Belgium*
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