[TRNSYS-users] Adding additional inputs or outputs flowstreams to a Type4

Yoshinaga Mika yoshi at meijo-u.ac.jp
Tue May 31 19:07:11 PDT 2011


You can't add the port for type4 without modifying the source code.

There are some tank types (with immersed heat exchangers) in TESS libraries
and you can increase the number of ports. (ex. type531, type533, type534)
Yet, I think that the numbers of port for outputs and inputs should be

Best regards,

From: trnsys-users-bounces at cae.wisc.edu
[mailto:trnsys-users-bounces at cae.wisc.edu] On Behalf Of Matias Francisco
Irles Ivanac
Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2011 5:24 AM
Subject: [TRNSYS-users] Adding additional inputs or outputs flowstreams to a

Dear trnsys users,

Im currently working on a large sdhw system simulation, and I need to
simulate storage tanks similar to Type 4a, but one with an additional
flowstream input (3 inputs, 2 outputs) and another with an additional
flowstream output (2 inputs, 3 outputs). 

Is there a way to add this input/output without getting to modify the code? 
Or have one already made such a modification that could give me a tip?

In advanced thank you all!

Matias Irles
Mec.Engineer cand.
Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María
Valparaíso, Chile 

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