[TRNSYS-users] error on inputs 30

Giovanardi Alessia Alessia.Giovanardi at eurac.edu
Mon May 23 05:42:23 PDT 2011

Dear all,


I'm working with Trnsys version 17.

I have a question about this error in the result file:


TRNSYS Message     98 : Unrecognized variable name or bad data card.
TRNSYS was looking for a numerical value or the name of a variable
defined in an equation/constant and instead it found the data in
"reported information" below.

Reported information  : INPUTS 30


I don't understand which kind of input could be. I thought it was in the
control cards because I have used some equations, but nothing changes if
I use constants. 

Where could the error be?






Alessia Giovanardi

Institute for Renewable Energy

EURAC research
Viale Druso/Drususallee 1
39100 Bolzano/Bozen

Tel. +39 0471 055653

Fax  +39 0471 055699
Email: Alessia.Giovanardi at eurac.edu
<mailto:Alessia.Giovanardi at eurac.edu> 
Website: http://www.eurac.edu <http://www.eurac.edu/> 


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