[Equest-users] Windows 7 Compatibility?

Caleb Bulow cbulow at prengr.net
Tue Jan 5 12:03:04 PST 2010

I have not suffered from either problem.  I am running Windows 7 Pro


Caleb B. 



From: equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org
[mailto:equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org] On Behalf Of Heath
Sent: Tuesday, January 05, 2010 1:54 PM
To: equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org
Subject: [Equest-users] Windows 7 Compatibility?


I am using eQUEST version 3.63b with Windows 7 operating system.
Generally the program has run smoothly except lately I've experienced
the following:


1.       After using the Design Development Wizard to set up and run a
project, when I select "Building Creation Wizard" to go back to the
Wizard, the program generates an error stating "Error evaluating
WizardInput rulelist".  The project file is located on my computer's C
drive, under "eQUEST 3-63 Projects" folder.  The Wizard rulelist does
not seem to copy over to each project, or the program does not seem to
remember that it needs to look under the "eQUEST 3-63 Data/Wizard"
folder where I believe the correct Rulelist file is located.  The only
solution I've found is to close the program and re-install eQUEST, then
to open the project file.  I'm missing something here...what am I doing


2.       The display driver appears to be causing some errors.  At first
I was just experiencing problems such as not being able to view the
model in 3-D.  Lately the program has been generating an error or
crashing after selecting "Finish" in the Design Development Wizard.
This usually happens after creating more than 1 floor on a larger
building.  The error message reads "The NVIDIA OpenGL Driver encountered
an unrecoverable error and must close this application.  Error 13."  The
error is generated whether I import CAD geometry or use simple default
geometry.  Any help would be appreciated.


Are other users experiencing similar errors with Windows 7 or is this
not a Windows 7 compatibility problem?


Thanks for your help!


Heath Baxa

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