[Equest-users] G3.1.2.10 Heat Recovery

Carol Gardner cmg750 at gmail.com
Fri Dec 17 17:02:04 PST 2010

Hi Omer,

You need to consult with the design engineer that is specifying the heat
recovery system for your building. If you tell him/her the information you
need to input into eQUEST to model heat recovery, he/she should be able to
provide you with the proper values.



2010/12/17 <omoltay at mimtarch.com>

> Dear All,
> I need to model heat recovery in one of my fan systems for the baseline
> case according to G3.1.2.10. As far as I understand there are only 2
> requirements dictated by ASHRAE:
> - At least 50% recovery effectiveness,
> - Permitting air economizer operation by bypassing heat recovery.
> Since there are so many options in Equest Heat Recovery tabs, I am at a
> loss to where to start. Has anybody had experience with modelling ERV to
> satisfy ASHRAE 90.1?
> Best regards,
> Ömer Moltay
> Mimta Ltd.
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Carol Gardner PE
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