[Equest-users] Appendix G Fan Simulation

Matthew Higgins higgins at edi-arch.com
Thu Sep 17 14:12:10 PDT 2009

I've seen multiple posts regarding 2004 Appendix G Fan Power and one 
post from Ming Zeng suggested the following:
"Baseline model fan usually gives 0.00078KW/cfm.  For proposed fans, 
typically it is 0.00016-0.00018 KW/cfm/in static*"*

I have two problems related to this because my Baseline KW/cfm is closer 
to 0.001 KW/cfm for a bunch of unitary Type-3 systems, which is 
indefinitely way too high.

Many people have referred to the calculated fan power as an allowance, 
which to me, would appear to be a threshold not to exceed based on the 
20deg-F delta for Appendix G Fan Sizing. I figure this is not the case 
because others refer to the fan power as something that is simulated in 
the model as a KW/cfm.
I've also seen posts where numbers are expressed as KW/kcfm, which would 
indicate fan power KW per thousand cfm; which again is not an applicable 
figure for simulation using eQuest.

I'm struggling with these items because a recent GBCI reviewer has asked 
me to re-calculate my fan power because my BHPs are a bit higher than 
they should be. When I "re-calculate" these values I do not come up with 
the numbers they do (BHP ASHRAE - attached).

I'm trying to reconcile my response and eQuest inputs before we 
re-submit, but I'm not sure what to do.

Much thanks.

Matthew Higgins, LEED AP + ASHRAE-HBDP
Environmental Dynamics, Inc.
Architecture and Sustainability Consulting Services
505.242.2851 x.103

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