[Equest-users] eQuest Error

Shane Newman Shane.Newman at me-engineers.com
Mon Oct 5 15:53:51 PDT 2009


I'm getting an error when I try to run one of my models.  When I press the run button, a dialogue box pops up and says "Error: 1 standard writing errors encountered".  After this, I click on the "check building description" button and the BDL error manager pops up.  It then tells me "LOOP-PUMP was referenced on line 8924 but never de...." and then cuts off.  Does anyone know how to fix this error?

Shane Newman, PE, LEED AP
mechanical project engineer

M-E Engineers, Inc.<http://www.me-engineers.com/>
10055 west 43rd avenue
wheat ridge, co 80033

office:  303.421.6655
direct:  303.820.5185
shane.newman at me-engineers.com<mailto:shane.newman at me-engineers.com>

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