[Equest-users] questions about modeling PV

Varkie C Thomas thomasv at iit.edu
Wed Nov 4 13:14:10 PST 2009

Were there any replies to this?  Are there any sample input files that show how to use the PV input forms, explain what the input fields mean, and how the results are calculated?  Has the eQUEST PV analysis and resuls been checked with other PV programs?
Attached are results for a building that has PV and GSHP.  It uses a simplified layout of the CCGT LEED Platinum building. The questions are in italics (PV in red and GSHP in blue).  The options to look at are 4 and 4a (PV Surface and Shade Mount) and 5 and 5b (GSHP 200'-8x4 and 100'-2x2).  The original analysis was with DOE2.1E.  About 10% (I think) of the direct solar (light with CC) energy was assumed to be converted to 110V electricity since DOE2 did not have PV analysis.
I can send the input files to anyone who is willing to check them.
V. Thomas
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I'm trying to model a huge PV system on a huge building and I've run into a few problems...
The system is close to 12,000 panels and at first, I was not able to model more than 7000 panels (1000 parallel arrays of 7 panels each) so I broke it into 2 separate systems hoping that having 2 systems on the same roof wouldn't confuse the program... as far as I can tell, it's ok. thoughts?
Then, I received performance data from the manufacturer and tried comparing it to the eQuest output in the PS-H report and ran into some problems. The manufacturer says that their panels are approx 18% efficient. I inputted the panel info they gave me and selected the library curves (until they can get me their specific curve info) and eQuest says the panels are 10.2% efficient... but when I compare the manufacturers estimated total monthly output in kWh to eQuests it's less. The format that I received their data in is attached. I'd like to be able to produce a report in eQuest with a similar format but I can't figure out how. I searched through a bunch of the help files and found a bunch of stuff about hourly reports, report schedules, report blocks, and report frequency but I can't figure out where I'm supposed to put this stuff... BDL? INP? or if it matters what order I put it in. Anywho, any help would be greatly appreciated!!!!!


Heather Hardie-Hill



Industrial & Advanced Technologies

2020 SW Fourth Ave

Portland, OR 97201

ph: (503).872.4509

e: heather.hardie-hill at ch2m.com

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