<style>p {margin:0 0 14px 0}.default-font-1690271429636 {font-size: 14px;font-family: 宋体, arial, Verdana, sans-serif}</style><div class="default-font-1690271429636"><p style="text-wrap:wrap;">
Dear Sirs,
<p style="text-wrap:wrap;">
I have a tricky question for you about TRNOpt.
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My GenOpt program was running for a very long total run time, estimated to be a month. Unfortunately, after the program had been running for a week, our office needed an emergency power outage, and I found that if I stopped the GenOpt optimization program, I was unable to start it again and thus proceed to run the previously unfinished program.
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I tried to check the ini. file that GenOpt is running in and found that it is the same file that I had when I first started the optimization run.
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Is there any way I can get the GenOpt program to continue optimizing after stopping it?
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<p style="text-wrap:wrap;">
Best regards,
<p style="text-wrap:wrap;">
Yizhen Li
<p style="text-wrap:wrap;">
Xi'an Jiaotong University