// GenOpt project command file // Kun Zhang, LBNL, 2020-05-30 // Parameters Vary { Parameter { Name = a; Min = 0.0; Ini = 0.0; Max = 90.0; Step = 0.5; Type = CONTINUOUS; } } // Optimization settings OptimizationSettings { // Maximum number of iterations (GenOpt will return with an error once this number is reached) MaxIte = 2000; // Maximum number of iterations with the same cost function value MaxEqualResults = 5; // Write step number to file or not WriteStepNumber = false; // Maximum number of simulations that can run in parallel (depending on the algorithm). 0 means "up to the number of CPU cores". //UnitsOfExecution = 0; } // Optimization algorithm Algorithm{ // Hybrid Generalized Pattern Search Algorithm with Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm // Hybrid Algorithm for Continuous and Discrete Variables (must contain at least one continuous parameter) // Algorithm settings are from an EnergyPlus example provided with GenOpt Main = GPSPSOCCHJ; NeighborhoodTopology = vonNeumann; NeighborhoodSize = 5; NumberOfParticle = 10; NumberOfGeneration = 10; Seed = 1; CognitiveAcceleration = 2.8; SocialAcceleration = 1.3; MaxVelocityGainContinuous = 0.5; MaxVelocityDiscrete = 4; ConstrictionGain = 0.5; MeshSizeDivider = 2; InitialMeshSizeExponent = 0; MeshSizeExponentIncrement = 1; NumberOfStepReduction = 4; }