<div dir="ltr"><div>Dear all,</div><div> </div><div>I am modeling a building using water to air heat pump. I am using type 917 and I have several questions: </div><div>1. When I use buried horizontal pipes and ground Vertical U-tube in GHP library, how could I simulate the ground variables? Like the local water flow temperature, soil temperature. etc. TMY2 doesn't provide with such data. </div>
<div>2. Could buried horizontal pipes and vertical U tube be used together? Just simply connect their inlet and outlet flow rates will be correct? </div><div>3.If I connect vertical U tube with horizontal pipes, should I have different size horizontal piples to cater the flowrate accumulation of the U tube in series? For example, the horizontal pipe with one U-tube is 1/4 and the pipe with two U-tube will be 1/2 . But if I put some many type 952, I guess my model will be messed up. Is there any solution for that?</div>
<div>4. What's the major difference between type 917 and 919 ? </div><div> </div><div>Any idea of the problems?</div><div> </div><div>Thank you very much in advance.</div><div> </div><div>Jing Hong</div><div> </div>
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