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 Could you please send me the *.tpf that you are working from (you
can send it directly to me instead of to the whole list). The *.tpf
is a bit easier to work with than the *.dck itself.<br>
Kind regards,<br>
On 2/4/2012 03:25, amit2065 . wrote:
<div>Dear All , </div>
<div>Â </div>
<div>I am working with Heat pipe component Type 689. </div>
<div>When ever I work with this component I found that </div>
<div>Air outlet Temperature 1 always comes equal with </div>
<div>Air outlet Temperature 2 , Which should not as per </div>
<div>mathematics of Heat Pipe Heat Exchanger . </div>
<div>Â </div>
<div>On the other hand when I work with equations results</div>
<div>comes true ie.... Air outlet Temperature 1 comes
<div>different from Air outlet Temperature 2 as desired . </div>
<div>Â </div>
<div>Please let me know what is the problem, whether it is </div>
<div>in my project or in the component itself. </div>
<div>Â </div>
<div>I am enclosing the file for reference. </div>
<div>Â </div>
<div>Best Regards. </div>
<div>Â </div>
<div>Amit kakkar</div>
<div>IIT Delhi.</div>
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