<br /> Dear Marie-Claude,<br /><br />Perhaps put a "Trace" on the component(s) that you think is causing the problem. Look at the you should then be able to narrow down the input and the time that is causingg the routine to crash.<br /><br />Best regards,<br /><br />Matt Duffy<br /> <br /> <!--replyfwdwrap--><div style="background-image: url("http://webmail.fusemail.com/de/r_bg_img.gif"); background-position: center top; background-repeat: repeat-x;"><strong>----- Original Message -----</strong><br /><strong>From:</strong> "Marie-Claude Hamelin" <marieclaude.hamelin@gmail.com> <br /><strong>Sent:</strong> Sun, November 6, 2011 12:15<br /><strong>Subject:</strong> [TRNSYS-users] Type33 routine causing errors<br /><br /><table cellspacing="5" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td><div class="PrivateMsgDiv"><pre>
Hi all,
I am getting errors while using TRNSYS16 with GenOpt. I run four
simulations at a time, they all load and even start returning some
results, and then after a few seconds they stop because of a fatal
error. "The subroutine SAT of the utility routine PSYCHROMETRICS, which
calculates the thermodynamic properties of moist air, has been called
with a temperature below absolute zero (-273 C). Please check the TYPE
routine which calls the psychrometrics routine for possible sources of
errors." This error is generated by Type760 (heat-recovery ventilator).
I also get a lot of notices generated by Type56 "The utility routine
PSYCHROMETRICS, which calculates the thermodynamic properties of moist
air, has been called with conditions that yield a saturation pressure
greater than the ambient pressure."
I have compared my .dck and .bui files with previous versions that did
work properly, without finding any difference that could explain the
errors. One strange output that I get from my simulation is that, while
Bldg-HourTemp.out shows that temperatures in all 3 zones of the building
are fine, Type56's output for air temperature on the second floor is
always zero (until it crashes). The heating loads are also very close to
zero. First simulation run always crashes at time 54.5 hours, simulation
run 2 at 30.5 hours, simulation 3 at 31 and simulation 4 at 6 hours.
I have checked outputs from Type33 and Type760, and they all seem to be
normal until simulation crashes.
Does anybody have an idea of what could cause that?
Thank you,
Marie-Claude Hamelin
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