Dear all,<br>I have simulated a building (type 56), and i want to add some new outputs (precisely humidity and temperature of some thermal zones/areas). I know how i can do it in TRNBuild, however i can't find these outputs/variables when i use the simulation studio and try to link the type56 to other components.<br>
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Thanks to any one who can help.<br><br>-- <br><div dir="ltr"><font color="#999999"><span style="color:rgb(51,51,51)"><b>EL Fouih Younness<br></b><font color="#666666">Ingénieur Process - ENIM </font></span></font><span style="color:rgb(51,51,51)"><font color="#666666">- Rabat</font></span><span style="color:rgb(51,51,51)"><font color="#666666"> - Promo 2010 <br>
Master Stratégies Énergétiques - Mines Paristech - Paris<br></font></span><font color="#666666">Tel : <a href="tel:%2B33%206%2048%2081%2001%2013" value="+33648810113" target="_blank">+33 6 48 81 01 13</a><br></font></div>