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</style><div style='font-size: 18px;'> <font face="±¼¸²">Dear TRNSYS users,<br /><br />I am trying to create a new component with g95 compiler.<br />I had no trouble creating one with TRNSYS 16.1 but since I<br />have upgraded to TRNSYS 17, it's not working any more.<br /><br />With TRNSYS 17, the structure of the new component generated<br />by Simulation Studio is different than it used to be. I noticed that<br />the arguments are no longer existent and command lines with <br />$$ are newly seen. I don't see the output arrays any more.<br />Is this normal with TRNSYS 17 or did I do something wrong?<br /><br />Following lines which were automatically inserted with Simulation Studio<br />are in error.<br />$$PARAMETER_DEFINITIONS<br />$$INPUT_DEFINITIONS<br /><br />I am attaching two files which I hope will explain my situations.<br />One is a fortran file generated by Simulation Studio.<br />This other one is a list of error comments shown after I ran <br />g95 compile.bat.<br /><br />Thanks.<br /><br />Youngil Kim, SNUST<br /><br /><br /></font></div>
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