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</style><div style='font-size: 18px;'> <p><font face="±¼¸²">Dear TRNSYS users,<br /><br />When using Wall Manager in TRNBuild, I am getting an error when <br />the thickness of the layer is large. Is there a way to overcome<br />this error? The thickness is not absurdly large and I need this<br />thickness (0.05 m) to model my study.<br /><br />I have copied the error message below for your information.<br /><br />Error creating the wall transfer function coefficients:<br />Stability criteria not fullfilled<br />Check layer definition (thickness, ratio of conductivity/density)<br />Please, check the INF-file for further information.<br /><br />Thanks. <br /><br />Youngil Kim<br /><br /></font></p></div>
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