Dear Victoria,<BR><BR>Please make sure that you have a reasonable convective heat transfer coefficient for your exterior surfaces. When my HTC was set to zero, I received these errors at every timestep. It could also possibly be a number of different issues such as sending to much conditioned air into the space.<BR><BR><BR>Best regards,<BR><BR>Matt Duffy<BR><BR><BR><REPLYFWDWRAP>
<DIV style="BACKGROUND-IMAGE: url(; BACKGROUND-REPEAT: repeat-x; BACKGROUND-POSITION: 50% top"><STRONG>----- Original Message -----</STRONG><BR><STRONG>From:</STRONG> "Mavi Cambronero Vázquez" <> <BR><STRONG>Sent:</STRONG> Tue, May 11, 2010 10:48<BR><STRONG>Subject:</STRONG> [TRNSYS-users] TRNBuild-Warning because of convergence<BR><BR>
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<DIV>I´m simulating a TRNBuild project and a warning appears each timestep. The warning says: " Convergence of COMIS-TRNSYS iteration not attained within 50 max. number of internal iterations!" . I´ve never seen it before! Does anybody know why this warning happens??</DIV>
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<DIV>Thank you very much!!</DIV>
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