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Chun Kwong,<br>
That error is telling you that the TRNSYS kernel was expecting to
find one thing in the input file and found something else instead. For
example, if your input file said that you were going to have 10
parameters but only 9 were listed, then the kernel would interpret the
keyword following the list of parameters ("INPUTS" probably) as the
10th parameter. Another common cause is if you have the wrong number of
LABELS for a printer. The best way to track down the problem is to open
the *.lst file (which contains a rewrite of the input file as
interpreted by the kernel. The "$" is supposed to appear underneath or
in place of the variable that was not understood. If you suspect your
component, make sure that the fortran code and the proforma match each
other in terms of the number of inputs, outputs, and parameters.<br>
On 5/6/2010 02:57, <a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:a8304506@graduate.hku.hk">a8304506@graduate.hku.hk</a> wrote:
<blockquote cite="mid:1273132652.4be2766cb1cac@imp3.webmail.hku.hk"
<pre wrap="">Hello, all.
When I performed a simulation, I got the following error message:
*** Fatal Error at time : 7.000000
Generated by Unit : Not applicable or not available
Generated by Type : Not applicable or not available
TRNSYS Message 98 : Unrecognized variable name or bad data card. TRNSYS
was looking for a numerical value or the name of a variable defined in an
equation/constant and instead it found the data in "reported information"
Reported information : Reference parameters...
Reference parameters...
I cannot trace which unit causes the problem. By enabling the equation trace,
it seems that the simulation stopped after executing one type created by myself
which used the bulit-in subroutine Dynamicdata. The Dynamicdata gave zero to
all the interpolated outputs from the data file. Does anyone encounter similar
problem before? Thank you!
Best Regards
LEE, Chun Kwong
Division of Building Science and Technology
City University of Hong Kong
<pre wrap="">
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