<FONT face="Default Sans Serif,Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif" size=2><div>Dear all,<br><br>I
need to model a single stage absorption chiller based cold storage
system. When interacting with the manufacturer of the chiller, I came
to know that there is an appreciable thermal lag in the absorption
chiller machines. The manufacturer told me that with a varying heat
source temperature, the absorption chiller wont respond to the changes
in source conditions fast enough. Note that I plan to use solar thermal
energy (how water) as my heat source.<br><br>Hence my queries are as follows:<br>1. Does Type 107 in TRNSYS, take into consideration this thermal lag ? I referred to the documentation but I am still confused.<br>2. Alternatively is there any other Type which models the thermal lag, and which I should buy ?<br>3. Otherwise any suggestions on how I can model this thermal lag in the chiller ?<br><br>Hope some of you have already encountered this problem (and reached a solution !!!).<br>Looking forward for your help<br></div><div>-<br>Regards,<br><br>Anand Upadhyay<br>The Energy & Resources Institute (TERI), New Delhi</div></FONT>
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