Hi everybody,<br>as suggested in some previous mails, I'm starting using type 534 instead of type60 (because of the known bug which don't let use more than one in a model).<br>Anyway things are not very simple: I sometimes get some 103 errors, in the description there's explained that some parameter of the tank is illegal... I've had some problems with parameter 44 (which i discovered it was HX node related). This time I'm getting errors with parameter 2, which I think it's about the number of nodes or the volume... Possible?<br>
<br>Anyway, the question is: how can I match the parameter number (given by the error 103) and the exact parameter in the tank?<br><br>If you have any other suggestion about modeling a tank with type 534 it would be really apprechated.<br>
<br>PS: I'm using the plugin, of course...<br><br>Thanks,<br>Matteo.<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>La scoperta è vedere ciò che tutti hanno sempre visto e<br>pensare ciò che nessuno ha mai pensato.<br>(Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, scopritore della vitamina C e premio Nobel)<br>