* Model "Type96" (Type 96) * * **|* **|* *** Model Type96 (Type 96, Unit 33) **|* CONSTANTS 3 **|*PARAMETERS VALUES UNITS SWITCHTO= 1.0000000000000E+00 **|Switch to observe off-peak weekend rates |-|-|0|1|0|1.000|1000 SWITCHT1= 1.0000000000000E+00 **|Switch to observe off-peak holiday rates |-|-|0|1|0|1.000|1000 MAXIMUME= 1.0000000000000E+04 **|Maximum excess power |W|W|0|1|-1000000.00000|1000000.00000|1000 CONSTANTS 1 **|*INPUTS VALUES UNITS PARALLEL= 0.0000000000000E+00 **|Parallel generation |W|W|0|1|-1000000.00000|1000000.00000|1000 * UNIT 33 TYPE 96 Type96 *$UNIT_NAME Type96 *$MODEL .\Utility\Utility Rate Schedule Processors\Type96.tmf *$POSITION 1089 240 *$LAYER Main # PARAMETERS 6 53 ! 1 Logical unit number for rate schedule input file 54 ! 2 Logical unit number for text output 55 ! 3 Logical unit number for spreadsheet output SWITCHTO ! 4 Switch to observe off-peak weekend rates SWITCHT1 ! 5 Switch to observe off-peak holiday rates MAXIMUME ! 6 Maximum excess power INPUTS 8 31,1 ! Type95a:Hour of day ->Hour of the day 31,2 ! Type95a:Hour of year ->Hour of the year 31,5 ! Type95a:Month ->Month 31,7 ! Type95a:Year2 ->Year Building_Latent ! Equa:Building_Latent ->Building load 31,8 ! Type95a:Weekend Flag ->Flag indicating weekend 31,9 ! Type95a:Holiday flag ->Flag indicating holiday 0,0 ! [unconnected] Parallel generation *** INITIAL INPUT VALUES 1 1 1 1999 0 0 0 PARALLEL *** External files ASSIGN "Type96-UtilityRateScheduler.dat" 53 **|? Where is the utility rate schedule input file located? |1000 ASSIGN "UtilityBill.txt" 54 **|? Where should the text based utility bill output file be created? |1000 ASSIGN "UtilityBill.dat" 55 **|? Where should the spreadsheet utility bill output file be created? |1000