<DIV>Dear sir,</DIV>
<DIV> I'm a trnsys user,and when I learn this software,I'm puzzled by some problems,and I wish to get some help from you,my problems are as follows:first,when I use a weather parameter file to run a simulation,there is no problem,but when I use another weather parameter file,it appears"range check error",but the format of the two files is the same,and the other parameters of the system are not changed,the "simulation start time"is 0hr,the"simulation stop time"is 72hr,and the"simulation time step"is 1hr,the two weather parameter files are being mailed to you.</DIV>
<DIV>second,when I run a simulation,there is no problem,but when I change the"simulation stop time"from 72 to 720(other parameters not changed),it also appears "range check error"</DIV>
<DIV>I look forward to hear from you! thank you very much!</DIV>
<DIV> yours meng</DIV>
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