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<body>Hello everyone,<BR>
I am trying to study the energy consumption of an hypothetic office building in Athens according to each orientation using type-56. I have data only for total radiation, temperature and relative humidity and therefore i am trying to use type-16 to get values for the beam radiation needed in type-56. The data are imported with type 9a. The problem is that i get too many warning messages that beam radiation exceeds the extraterrestrial radiation and that the total radiation exceeds the solar constant. I tried using type-16a and 16c with all possible tilted surface modes (perez model, reindl model etc.) but i managed only to reduce the messages while the output values of my study are not acceptable since i conclude that northern windows are preferable to southern ones. Also i have to mention that as i am turning the building and the azimuth of each surface is changing, error occurs because of the number of the warning messages and as a result i can't run the project. The minimum warning messages occurred using type 16a with perez model. I ran again the project using type-109tmy2 with different data acquired from meteonorm, where type 16 is not needed, and no problem occurred. Any help or suggestion is appreciated.<BR>
Thanks in advance,<BR>
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