[Trace-users] Fwd: Specify Window Frame Type

Oscar Buchely L. obuchely at ses-ingenieria.com
Wed Apr 2 15:10:22 PDT 2014

Why you don´t use apendix A values?

Soluciones Energéticas Sostenibles
Bogota - Colombia
Tel +57 1 6192633

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	[Trace-users] Specify Window Frame Type
Date: 	Wed, 2 Apr 2014 16:17:34 -0500
From: 	Ben Hollon <bhollon at antella-inc.com>
To: 	trace-users at lists.onebuilding.org


Working on a LEED energy model in Trace. I typically use HAP, which 
allows the input of a window frame type, and it then calculates the 
entire window assembly U-value and SC, rather than just the glass.

I've had LEED reviewers come back and ask me for my window assembly 
calcs and I was able to show how HAP was doing that calc based on the 
frame type as well. However, I can't find anything similar in Trace, and 
I'm getting nervous about how to show assembly calculations to a LEED 
reviewer. I've had terrible luck in the past getting assembly values 
from the manufacturer as well.

I spoke with CDS and they recommended modeling a small sliver of wall 
that is representative of the frame, which seems quite tedious.

Has anyone either experienced this issue, and figured out a work around?


*Ben Hollon, *

Antella Consulting Engineers, inc.

1600 Genessee, Suite 260.Kansas City, MO 64102.Tele: (816) 421-0950. 
Fax: (816) 249-2439 . www.antella-inc.com <http://www.antella-inc.com>

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