[Trace-users] Max Room dry bulb to high

Scott Parker sparker at aeieng.com
Fri Oct 28 05:51:23 PDT 2011


Not sure the problem, but since you alluded to high internal load I would check the following:
1. Do you have correct units for internal load (e.g. W/sq meter versus W)?
2. Are you using a thermostat schedule that may have a mistake in it?
3. Have you set the airflow to the space rather than allowing TRACE to calculate it?
4. Have you scheduled the cooling coil off during winter?

From: trace-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org [mailto:trace-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org] On Behalf Of Leandro Lopes
Sent: Friday, October 28, 2011 3:50 AM
To: trace-users at lists.onebuilding.org
Subject: [Trace-users] Max Room dry bulb to high


I'm having trouble understanding why my temperatures in winter are so high.What happens, is that they start at 20ºC and go up to 55 ºC ( It´s crazy).

My system consists in heating during winter months (no cooling available), and cooling in summer period.

Can someone help me, how can i control my temperature to 20ºC in Winter period.

Could this happen because of the internal loads...

Best regards,

Engº: Leandro Lopes
Tel: 965771706

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