[Ibpsausa] Tas 9.5 Released

EDSL USA support at edsltas.com
Thu Feb 13 08:00:15 PST 2020

EDSL announces Tas 9.5, a 64-bit application with automated ASHRAE load calcs, ASHRAE 90.1, and LEED reporting.

Welcome 2020 and a New Tas Release

64-bit Tas is here in Tas 9.5, a very significant advance, a result of EDSL’s continuing development work. This, along with many productivity and automated task improvements, makes Tas 9.5 a major release in the long history of the product. If you would like to be kept ‘up to date’ with future Tas developments, please scroll to the bottom of this email to subscribe to our newsletters

Try Tas 9.5 (https://hs-6520710.t.hubspotfree-jc.net/e2t/sc2/MmZ-8ykdZXMW6HJpNn8-FTSPW5YGm498zR-cZW2P7M-45NK2cndBzP8M04 )

64-bit application:

All Tas applications have been updated from 32-bit to 64-bit. Improvements to memory limitations allow for much bigger, more complex models.  Tas can now handle even more detailed daylight, thermal, and HVAC systems analysis.

Repetitive task automation:

- Automated workflows to complete ASHRAE design day load sizing
- Improved automation of ASHRAE 90.1 appendix G baselines (2007-2016)
- Automation for LEED v2009 and v4 Minimum Energy Performance Calculator spreadsheet
- Automated LEED daylight credit calculation v2009, v4, 4.1

Workflow/ interoperability:

- Create editable Tas 3D Modeller geometry from imported EnergyPlus and eQuest files
- Run shading calculations from EnergyPlus data in Tas, utilizing our multi-core and peer-to-peer calculation options
- Improvements to BIM-to-BEM and BEM-to-BEM interoperability for transdiciplinary teams/ workflows

User experience:

- UI updates to modernize the look and feel, improve clarity/ legibility
- Develop more informed design decisions - Tas' fast simulation engine allows a greater number of scenarios and iterations without increasing simulation time
- Improved navigation across tabular, graphical, and 3D data representations for easier exploration, troubleshooting, and QA/ QC

Expanded licensing:

New network license option:

- Easily share licenses between computers and offices
- Lease licenses for guaranteed offline access or during travel


- Flexible, short-term commitment monthly and cost effective annual subscriptions
- Multi-seat:  Discounted license bundle for increased processing power

Tas is FREE for Academic and Research uses, please get in touch to get started.

If you would like assistance upgrading to Tas 9.5 or to begin a trial, please email support at edsltas.com


The EDSL team

Please stay in touch

Please take a moment to sign up for updates and new release announcements. We respect your privacy and your inbox and won't contact you more than once a month.

Sign Up (https://hs-6520710.t.hubspotfree-jc.net/e2t/sc2/MmZ-8ykdZXMW6HJpNn8-FTSPW5YGm498zR-cZW2P7M-45NK2cndBzP8N04 )

EDSL USA, Inc., 1350 Avenue of the Americas, Suite 2700, New York, NY 10019, (212) 957-5415

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