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Hi everyone,<br><br> I'm modelling freecooling with precoolled chilled water loop and I have one question. If I understood it correctly, I need to create:<br><ol><li>chiller, type water economizer</li><li>condenser loop with pump<br></li><li>freecooling chiller as dry cooler with heat exchanger<br></li></ol><p>My question is: do I need to add water-side economizer into HVAC unit? In reality I dont have this coil, but I am affraid, there isn't another option how to model free cooling. What are your suggestions?<br></p><br>Regards<br><br>Ing. Jakub Wiesner<br>odborný asistent / expert assistant<br> <br>EkoWATT CZ s. r. o. / EkoWATT o. s.<br>Your Sustainability Partner since 1990 | Váš partner na trhu v energetice a ekonomice pro ekologii od roku 1990<br>A: Areál Štrasburk, Švábky 52/2, 180 00 Praha 8, Czech Republic | T: +420 266 710 247<br><a href="mailto:jakub.wiesner@ekowatt.cz">jakub.wiesner@ekowatt.cz</a> | www.ekowatt.cz | www.prukazybudov.cz | www.energetika.cz <br>Zvažte prosím, zda opravdu potřebujete tuto zprávu vytisknout na papír. Consider printing this mail.</body></html>