<div dir="ltr"><div>Dear eQuest users,</div><div> </div><div>I need to read the absolute coordinates of the origin of each space (the coordinates of each space origin with respect to the origin of the building coordinate system) from the .inp file that eQuest creates. I need to do this so that I can locate the spaces side by side or one over the other in the correct order in another program. I checked whether the X, Y and Z commands were used under the SPACE command of the DOE-2.2 inp to figure this out. But, it turns out that the DOE-2.2 input file does not have the X, Y, Z commands used for the spaces. Below is an example SPACE command in the DOE-2.2 input (.inp) file that eQuest creates. Would you please let me know which command in the .inp file below would be helpful for me to extract the information necessary to locate the zones correctly with respect to the building origin?</div>
<div> </div><div>"L1 Zone3" = SPACE <br> SHAPE = POLYGON<br> ZONE-TYPE = CONDITIONED<br> PEOPLE-SCHEDULE = "EL1 Bldg Occup Sch"<br> LIGHTING-SCHEDUL = ( "EL1 Bldg InsLt Sch" )<br>
EQUIP-SCHEDULE = ( "EL1 Bldg Misc Sch" )<br> INF-SCHEDULE = "ZG1-S1 (PSZ) P-Inf Sch"<br> INF-METHOD = AIR-CHANGE<br> INF-FLOW/AREA = 0.0277204<br> PEOPLE-HG-LAT = 250<br> PEOPLE-HG-SENS = 250<br>
EQUIP-LATENT = ( 0 )<br> EQUIP-SENSIBLE = ( 1 )<br> PEOPLE-HEAT-GAIN = 417<br> LIGHTING-W/AREA = ( 1.5 )<br> EQUIPMENT-W/AREA = ( 1 )<br> AREA/PERSON = 100<br> POLYGON = "EL1 Space Polygon 3"<br>
LOCATION = FLOOR-V44<br> C-SUB-SRC-BTUH = ( 0, 0, 0 )<br> C-SUB-SRC-KW = ( 0, 0, 0 )<br> C-ACTIVITY-DESC = *Classroom / Lecture (70%)*<br> ..<br>"EL1 West Wall (G.W3.E6)" = EXTERIOR-WALL <br>
CONSTRUCTION = "Wall Const"<br> LOCATION = SPACE-V1<br> ..<br>"EL1 West Win (G.W3.E6.W1)" = WINDOW <br> GLASS-TYPE = "All G-Type"<br> FRAME-WIDTH = 0.108333<br>
X = 1.98833<br> Y = 3.10833<br> HEIGHT = 5.00333<br> WIDTH = 3.78333<br> FRAME-CONDUCT = 2.781<br> ..<br>"EL1 Roof (G.W3.E7)" = EXTERIOR-WALL <br>
CONSTRUCTION = "Roof Const"<br> LOCATION = TOP<br> ..<br>"EL1 Flr (G.W3.U3)" = UNDERGROUND-WALL<br> CONSTRUCTION = "Floor Const"<br> LOCATION = BOTTOM</div>
<div> </div><div> </div><div>Thank you very much in advance for your help,</div><div>Looking forward to hearing from you,</div><div> </div><div>Best Regards,</div><div>Simge Andolsun, Ph.D., M.S.<br> ..</div></div>