Proj "Grocery Store" ProgramVersion = "eQUEST 3.64.7130" BDBaseVersion = 24 ProductCode = "eQUEST" WeatherFile = "MEXICO91.BIN" CreateDate = 1348609265 ModDate = 1374692187 RunDate = 1374690722 LibraryFile = "eQ_Lib.dat" ActiveMode = 0 InputModule = 2 UseCameraData = 1 ClippingRange = ( 261.735, 1007.56 ) FocalPoint = ( 654.663, 456.368, 10.3793 ) Position = ( 1179.14, 636.958, 215.174 ) ViewUpVector = ( 0, 0, 1 ) ViewAngle = 27.8233 InterfaceMode = 1 AllowWizard = 1 NotProjFile = "Grocery Store" InputUnitsType = "English" OutputUnitsType = "English" PreviousName = "MMA_Community_11jadacmfchkjilanamhdba" DetailedModelEdits = 1 ProjTreeType[1] = 1 ProjTreeType[2] = 1 ProjTreeType[3] = 1 ProjTreeType[5] = 1 ProjTreeID[1] = 10210000 ProjTreeID[2] = 10080000 ProjTreeID[3] = 10080000 ProjTreeID[5] = 10030019 ProjTreeLabel[1] = "Hourly Report Block 3" ProjTreeLabel[2] = "EL1 ESE Perim Spc (G.ESE1)" ProjTreeLabel[3] = "EL1 ESE Perim Spc (G.ESE1)" ProjTreeLabel[5] = "S1 Sys1 (PSZ) Heat All" .. MainWiz "Grocery Store" ProductCode = "eQUEST" WizardType = "Design Development" DebugID = 0 AllowCustWinDoor = 1 ScreenIDArrIdx = 6 ScreenIDArrID = 250 Coverage = "User Selected" WeatherFile = "MEXICO91.BIN" ElecUtility = "- custom -" GasUtility = "- custom -" UserElecRate[1] = "Custom Elec Rate" UserFuelRate = "Custom Gas Rate" BldgType = "Unknown, Custom or Mixed Use" ActiveHoliday = "New Year's Day" HolidayChecked[1] = 1 HolidayChecked[3] = 0 HolidayChecked[4] = 0 HolidayChecked[7] = 1 HolidayChecked[8] = 0 HolidayChecked[11] = 0 HolidayChecked[12] = 0 HolidayChecked[13] = 0 HolidayChecked[14] = 0 HolidayChecked[15] = 0 HolidayChecked[17] = 1 HolidayChecked[18] = 1 HolidayChecked[20] = 1 .. ShellWiz "Bldg Envelope & Loads 1" ModelEnduse[2] = 0 ModelEnduse[3] = 0 ModelEnduse[13] = 0 ScreenIDArrIdx = 2 ScreenIDArrID = 30 BldgType = "Unknown, Custom or Mixed Use" GrossArea = 11713 Daylighting = "Yes" ShellPos_Specify = 1 Footprint = "- custom -" Orientation = "North North East" FlrToFlr = 11.8 FlrToCeiling = 10.8 ZoningPattern = "- custom -" NumMCZnGrps = 0 DiagLink = "Bldg Envelope & Loads 1 Diag Data" RoofConsType = "Custom, Layer-by-Layer Construction" RoofCustCons = "Roof_3" VertExtConsType = "Custom, Layer-by-Layer Construction" VertExtCustCons = "Wall_1" CeilingConsType = "- none -" VertIntConsType = "Air (none)" GrndFlrConsType = "8 in. Concrete" GrndFlrSecInsType = "Ceramic/Stone Tile" PerimInfMethod = "ACH (air changes per hour)" PerimInfil = 5 CoreInfil = 0 ZoningCurrent = 1 NumFloorVertices = 8 FloorVertX[1] = 454.4 FloorVertX[2] = 454.4 FloorVertX[3] = 476.25 FloorVertX[4] = 476.25 FloorVertX[5] = 454.4 FloorVertX[6] = 454.4 FloorVertX[7] = 525.8 FloorVertX[8] = 525.8 FloorVertY[1] = 803.6 FloorVertY[2] = 777.4 FloorVertY[3] = 777.4 FloorVertY[4] = 616.55 FloorVertY[5] = 616.55 FloorVertY[6] = 590.35 FloorVertY[7] = 590.35 FloorVertY[8] = 803.6 AdiabaticCurrent = 1 ZoneGroupsOK = 1 DfltZnGrpName = ( "EL1 Underground Areas", "EL1 Ground Floor Core", "EL1 Ground Floor Perimeter", "EL1 Typical Floor(s) Core", "EL1 Typical Floor(s) Perimeter", "EL1 Top Floor Core", "EL1 Top Floor Perimeter" ) CustomFootprint = 1 CustomZoning = 1 ActiveZoneIndex = 1 CustomRoofZoning = -1 ActiveRoofZoneIdx = 1 FloorArea = 11711.5 FloorPerimLen = 613 LastFootprint = 1 GTCCategory[1] = "- specify properties -" GTCCategory[2] = "- specify properties -" GTCCategory[3] = "- specify properties -" WindowHeight[1] = 7 WindowHeight[2] = 7 WindowHeight[3] = 4 WinSillHeight[1] = 0 WinSillHeight[2] = 0 WinSillHeight[3] = 3 WinFrameType[1] = "Alum w/o Brk, Operable" WinFrameType[2] = "Alum w/o Brk, Operable" WinFrameType[3] = "Alum w/o Brk, Operable" WinAreaSpecMethod = "Percent of Gross Wall Area (floor to floor)" PercentGlassI1[1] = 4.5 PercentGlassI1[2] = 4.6 PercentGlassI1[3] = 3.2 PercentGlassI2[2] = 0 PercentGlassI3[2] = 0 DoorType[2] = "Glass" DoorType[3] = "Glass" NumExtDoors1[1] = 5 NumExtDoors1[3] = 0 NumExtDoors2 = ( 0, 0, 0 ) NumExtDoors3 = ( 0, 0, 0 ) NumExtDoors4 = ( 0, 2, 2 ) DoorWidth = ( 5.4, 5.6, 5.2 ) TypWindowWidth[1] = 16.13 TypWindowWidth[2] = 16.68 TypWindowWidth[3] = 19.82 GP_NumPanes[1] = "Single" GP_NumPanes[2] = "Single" GP_NumPanes[3] = "Single" GP_SpecMethod[1] = "U-Value" GP_SpecMethod[2] = "U-Value" GP_SpecMethod[3] = "U-Value" GP_UValue[1] = 1.11 GP_UValue[2] = 1.11 GP_UValue[3] = 1.11 GP_ShadingCoef[1] = 0.86 GP_ShadingCoef[2] = 0.86 GP_ShadingCoef[3] = 0.86 GP_BDLVisualTrans[1] = 0.9 GP_BDLVisualTrans[2] = 0.9 GP_BDLVisualTrans[3] = 0.9 SkyZonesCurrent = 1 SkyltZones[1] = 1 SkyltZones[2] = 1 SkyltZones[3] = 1 SkyltZones[4] = 1 SkyltZones[5] = 1 SkyltZones[6] = 1 SkyltZones[7] = 1 SkyPosCurrent = 1 DayZonesCurrent[3] = 1 DayltZones[1] = 1 DayltZones[2] = 1 DayltZones[3] = 1 DayltZones[4] = 1 DayltZones[5] = 0 DayltZones[401] = 2 DayltZones[402] = 2 DayltZones[403] = 1 DayltZones[404] = 1 DayltZones[405] = 1 DayltZones[406] = 1 DayltZones[407] = 0 WinDoorCurrent = 1 DetailsCurrent = ( 1, 1, 1 ) BDLNumDayltCtrls[1] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[2] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[3] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[4] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[5] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[403] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[404] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[405] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[406] = 0 BDLNumDayltCtrls[407] = 0 ActAreaType[2] = "- select another -" ActAreaType[3] = "- select another -" ActAreaType[4] = "- select another -" ActAreaType[5] = "- select another -" ActAreaType[6] = "- select another -" ActAreaType[7] = "- select another -" ActAreaType[8] = "- select another -" PercentArea[1] = 100 OccupDensity[1] = 175 Ventilation[1] = 15 OpenSeas1[1] = "7 am" OpenSeas1[6] = "7 am" OpenSeas1[7] = "8 am" CloseSeas1[1] = "9 pm" CloseSeas1[6] = "9 pm" CloseSeas1[7] = "7 pm" OccShape[1] = "EL1 Occup Profile (S1)" ILShape[1] = "EL1 InsLtg Profile (S1)" ILElecIntens[1] = 1.85 ELDayShapes = ( "EL1 ExtLtg DayShape (Jan)", "EL1 ExtLtg DayShape (Feb)", "EL1 ExtLtg DayShape (Mar)", "EL1 ExtLtg DayShape (Apr)", "EL1 ExtLtg DayShape (May)", "EL1 ExtLtg DayShape (Jun)", "EL1 ExtLtg DayShape (Jul)", "EL1 ExtLtg DayShape (Aug)", "EL1 ExtLtg DayShape (Sep)", "EL1 ExtLtg DayShape (Oct)", "EL1 ExtLtg DayShape (Nov)", "EL1 ExtLtg DayShape (Dec)" ) OEShape[1] = "EL1 OffEq Profile (S1)" OEElecIntens[1] = 0.5 MiscShape[1] = "EL1 Misc Profile (S1)" MiscDivEIntens[1] = 0.2 MiscDivGIntens[1] = 0 MiscGSensFrac[1] = 0 DHWShape[1] = "EL1 DHW Profile (S1)" TLShape[1] = "EL1 TskLtg Profile (S1)" TLElecIntens[1] = 0.5 GroundExtFacets[1] = "Facet-0-1" GroundExtFacets[2] = "Facet-0-2" GroundExtFacets[3] = "Facet-0-3" DaylitAreaCurrent[3] = 1 RoofZoneErrorCode = 4 .. ShapeWiz "EL1 InsLtg Profile (S1)" .. DayShape "EL1 ExtLtg DayShape (Jan)" .. DayShape "EL1 ExtLtg DayShape (Feb)" .. DayShape "EL1 ExtLtg DayShape (Mar)" .. DayShape "EL1 ExtLtg DayShape (Apr)" .. DayShape "EL1 ExtLtg DayShape (May)" .. DayShape "EL1 ExtLtg DayShape (Jun)" .. DayShape "EL1 ExtLtg DayShape (Jul)" .. DayShape "EL1 ExtLtg DayShape (Aug)" .. DayShape "EL1 ExtLtg DayShape (Sep)" .. DayShape "EL1 ExtLtg DayShape (Oct)" .. DayShape "EL1 ExtLtg DayShape (Nov)" .. DayShape "EL1 ExtLtg DayShape (Dec)" .. ShapeWiz "EL1 OffEq Profile (S1)" .. ShapeWiz "EL1 Misc Profile (S1)" .. ShapeWiz "EL1 DHW Profile (S1)" .. ShapeWiz "EL1 Occup Profile (S1)" .. ZnGrpWiz "EL1 Ground Floor Core" ShortName = "GndCor" .. ZnGrpWiz "EL1 Ground Floor Perimeter" ShortName = "GndPrm" AssignedSystem = "HVAC System 5" IsConditioned = 1 .. CustomZone "Custom Zone 2" NumVerts = 8 X[1] = 476.25 X[2] = 476.25 X[3] = 502 X[4] = 502 X[5] = 525.8 X[6] = 525.8 X[7] = 502 X[8] = 502 Y[1] = 777.4 Y[2] = 616.55 Y[3] = 616.55 Y[4] = 590.35 Y[5] = 590.35 Y[6] = 803.6 Y[7] = 803.6 Y[8] = 777.4 ZoneType = "Conditioned" CustomCons_Roof = "Roof_3" CustomCons_EWall = "Wall_1" .. ShapeWiz "EL1 TskLtg Profile (S1)" .. FacetWiz "Facet-0-1" ParentZoneIdx = 0 SegmentNumber = 3 .. WinWiz "Custom Window 1" X = 0.98 Y = 3 Width = 19.82 Height = 4 FramePercent = -1 FrameWidth = 0 IsDoor = 0 GlassTypeIdx = 2 .. FacetWiz "Facet-0-2" ParentZoneIdx = 0 SegmentNumber = 4 .. WinWiz "Custom Window 2" X = 49.9 Y = 0 Width = 16.13 Height = 7 FramePercent = -1 FrameWidth = 1.3 IsDoor = 0 GlassTypeIdx = 0 .. WinWiz "Custom Window 3" X = 66.04 Y = 0 Width = 5.37 Height = 7 FramePercent = -1 FrameWidth = 3 IsDoor = 1 GlassTypeIdx = 0 .. WinWiz "Custom Window 4" X = 72.88 Y = 0 Width = 16.13 Height = 7 FramePercent = -1 FrameWidth = 1.3 IsDoor = 0 GlassTypeIdx = 0 .. WinWiz "Custom Window 5" X = 89.02 Y = 0 Width = 5.37 Height = 7 FramePercent = -1 FrameWidth = 0 IsDoor = 1 GlassTypeIdx = 0 .. WinWiz "Custom Window 6" X = 95.86 Y = 0 Width = 16.13 Height = 7 FramePercent = -1 FrameWidth = 1.3 IsDoor = 0 GlassTypeIdx = 0 .. WinWiz "Custom Window 7" X = 112 Y = 0 Width = 5.37 Height = 7 FramePercent = -1 FrameWidth = 0 IsDoor = 1 GlassTypeIdx = 0 .. WinWiz "Custom Window 8" X = 118.84 Y = 0 Width = 16.13 Height = 7 FramePercent = -1 FrameWidth = 1.3 IsDoor = 0 GlassTypeIdx = 0 .. WinWiz "Custom Window 9" X = 134.98 Y = 0 Width = 5.37 Height = 7 FramePercent = -1 FrameWidth = 0 IsDoor = 1 GlassTypeIdx = 0 .. WinWiz "Custom Window 10" X = 141.82 Y = 0 Width = 16.13 Height = 7 FramePercent = -1 FrameWidth = 1.3 IsDoor = 0 GlassTypeIdx = 0 .. WinWiz "Custom Window 11" X = 157.96 Y = 0 Width = 5.37 Height = 7 FramePercent = -1 FrameWidth = 0 IsDoor = 1 GlassTypeIdx = 0 .. WinWiz "Custom Window 12" X = 164.8 Y = 0 Width = 16.68 Height = 7 FramePercent = -1 FrameWidth = 1.3 IsDoor = 0 GlassTypeIdx = 1 .. WinWiz "Custom Window 13" X = 181.48 Y = 0 Width = 5.56 Height = 7 FramePercent = -1 FrameWidth = 0 IsDoor = 1 GlassTypeIdx = 1 .. WinWiz "Custom Window 14" X = 188.51 Y = 3 Width = 19.82 Height = 4 FramePercent = -1 FrameWidth = 0 IsDoor = 0 GlassTypeIdx = 2 .. FacetWiz "Facet-0-3" ParentZoneIdx = 0 SegmentNumber = 5 .. WinWiz "Custom Window 15" X = 6.56 Y = 0 Width = 5.56 Height = 7 FramePercent = -1 FrameWidth = 3 IsDoor = 1 GlassTypeIdx = 1 .. WinWiz "Custom Window 16" X = 12.14 Y = 0 Width = 5.56 Height = 7 FramePercent = -1 FrameWidth = 3 IsDoor = 1 GlassTypeIdx = 1 .. ConsWiz "Roof_1" SurfaceType = "Roof" MatLibCateg[1] = "Concrete 80 lbs" MatLibSelection[1] = "Concrete, LW, 80 Lb., 8 Inch (CC26)" .. ConsWiz "Wall_1" SurfaceType = "Vertical Exterior Wall" MatType[2] = "Library Entry" MatType[3] = "Library Entry" MatLibCateg[1] = "Surface Air Film" MatLibCateg[2] = "Brick" MatLibCateg[3] = "Surface Air Film" MatLibSelection[2] = "Brick, Common, 8 Inch (BK02)" .. ConsWiz "Roof_2" SurfaceType = "Roof" MatType[2] = "Library Entry" MatLibCateg[1] = "Roof Gravel" MatLibCateg[2] = "Concrete 80 lbs" MatLibSelection[2] = "Concrete, LW, 80 Lb., 8 Inch (CC26)" .. ConsWiz "Roof_3" SurfaceType = "Roof" MatLibCateg[1] = "Concrete 80 lbs" MatLibSelection[1] = "Concrete, LW, 80 Lb., 8 Inch (CC26)" OverallRVal = 100 .. DiagData "Bldg Envelope & Loads 1 Diag Data" PolyWndGridRes = 3 PolyWndLwrLeftX = 286.4 PolyWndLwrLeftY = 575.35 PolyWndWidth = 405.75 ShowCADLayer[1] = 1 ShowCADLayer[2] = 0 CADFileComp = "MMA_Basefloor_2b - DXF" .. DiagData "Bldg Envelope & Loads 2 Diag Data" PolyWndGridRes = 7 PolyWndLwrLeftX = 90.15 PolyWndLwrLeftY = 308.197 PolyWndWidth = 927.429 ShowCADLayer[1] = 1 ShowCADLayer[2] = 0 CADFileComp = "MMA_FirstFloor_2b - DXF" .. DiagData "Bldg Envelope & Loads 2 Diag Data 3" PolyWndGridRes = 7 PolyWndLwrLeftX = 216.15 PolyWndLwrLeftY = 575.35 PolyWndWidth = 405.75 ShowCADLayer[1] = 1 ShowCADLayer[2] = 0 CADFileComp = "MMA_FirstFloor_2ba - DXF" .. DiagData "EL3 Bldg Envelope & Loads 2 Diag Data 3" PolyWndGridRes = 7 PolyWndLwrLeftX = 216.15 PolyWndLwrLeftY = 575.35 PolyWndWidth = 405.75 ShowCADLayer[1] = 1 ShowCADLayer[2] = 0 CADFileComp = "MMA_FirstFloor_2ba - DXF" .. DiagData "EL4 Bldg Envelope & Loads 2 Diag Data 3" PolyWndGridRes = 7 PolyWndLwrLeftX = 216.15 PolyWndLwrLeftY = 575.35 PolyWndWidth = 405.75 ShowCADLayer[1] = 1 ShowCADLayer[2] = 0 CADFileComp = "MMA_FirstFloor_2ba - DXF" .. CADFile "MMA_Basefloor_2b - DXF" FileName = "Backup_Texas A&M_laptop\Fall 2012\09_September\MMA_CAD files\09.24.2012\MMA_Basefloor_2b.dxf" FilePathOffset = 3 ScaleUnits = 1 ScaleValue = 1 OriginX = 2409.33 OriginY = -224.936 Azimuth = 0 .. CADFile "MMA_FirstFloor_2b - DXF" FileName = "Backup_Texas A&M_laptop\Fall 2012\09_September\MMA_CAD files\09.24.2012\MMA_FirstFloor_2b.dxf" FilePathOffset = 3 ScaleUnits = 1 ScaleValue = 1 OriginX = 2409.33 OriginY = -224.936 Azimuth = 0 .. CADFile "MMA_FirstFloor_2ba - DXF" FileName = "Backup_Texas A&M_laptop\Fall 2012\09_September\MMA_CAD files\09.24.2012\MMA_FirstFloor_2ba.dxf" FilePathOffset = 3 ScaleUnits = 1 ScaleValue = 1 OriginX = 2409.33 OriginY = -224.936 Azimuth = 0 .. HVACWiz "HVAC System 5" ScreenIDArrIdx = 5 ScreenIDArrID = 170 CoolSource[1] = "DX Coils" HeatSource[1] = "Electric Resistance" HVACSysType[1] = "Packaged Single Zone DX with Elec Heat" AssignShell[1] = "Bldg Envelope & Loads 1" EconomizerType[1] = "- none -" SpecifyCoolCap[1] = "Specify" SpecifyHeatCap[1] = "Auto-size" CoolOccTemp[1] = 72 CoolUnoccTemp[1] = 72 HeatOccTemp[1] = 70 HeatUnoccTemp[1] = 70 DesignCoolTemp[1] = 75 DesignHeatTemp[1] = 68 MinSupplyTemp[1] = 70 MaxSupplyTemp[1] = 72 MinAllowedAirflow[1] = 1 Sys1FanOnSeas1[1] = "6 am" Sys1FanOnSeas1[2] = "6 am" Sys1FanOnSeas1[3] = "6 am" Sys1FanOnSeas1[4] = "6 am" Sys1FanOnSeas1[5] = "6 am" Sys1FanOnSeas1[6] = "6 am" Sys1FanOnSeas1[7] = "7 am" Sys1FanOnSeas1[8] = "7 am" Sys1FanOffSeas1[1] = "10 pm" Sys1FanOffSeas1[2] = "10 pm" Sys1FanOffSeas1[3] = "10 pm" Sys1FanOffSeas1[4] = "10 pm" Sys1FanOffSeas1[5] = "10 pm" Sys1FanOffSeas1[6] = "10 pm" Sys1FanOffSeas1[7] = "8 pm" Sys1FanOffSeas1[8] = "8 pm" SystemPerWhat[1] = "System per Shell" DXUnitSizeCateg[1] = "240-760 kBtuh or 20-63 tons" .. DXCWWiz "Water-Cooled DX System" .. WSECWWiz "Wtr-Side Econo System" .. WLHPWiz "WSHP System" .. GSHPWiz "GSHP System" .. PrimWiz "Primary HVAC Plant" .. DHWWiz "DHW Plant 1" ScreenIDArrIdx = 1 ScreenIDArrID = 242 DHWStorageCap = 297 DHWInputRating = 272.5 DHWSupplyTemp = 135 DHWEffSpec = "Efficiency and Standby Loss" ResDHWSupplyTemp = 135 ResDHWUsage = 23.8 .. FacetColor "By Wall Type" FacetType = "Walls" ColorOption = "By Wall Type" .. FacetColor "By Construction" FacetType = "Walls" ColorOption = "By Construction" .. FacetColor "Uniform" FacetType = "Windows" ColorOption = "Uniform" .. FacetColor "By Glass Type" FacetType = "Windows" ColorOption = "By Glass Type" .. Light3D "Light3D - Default" Type = "Default" .. Light3D "Light3D - User1" Type = "User Defined 1" .. Light3D "Light3D - User2" Type = "User Defined 2" .. Light3D "Light3D - User3" Type = "User Defined 3" .. Light3D "Light3D - User4" Type = "User Defined 4" .. Light3D "Light3D - User5" Type = "User Defined 5" .. ERateWiz "Custom Elec Rate" Version = 1 UniformChargeKWH[1] = 0.0549119 TOUPeriodsChecked = 1 TOUPeriodErrSeas1 = " " TOUPeriodErrS1b = " " .. FRateWiz "Custom Gas Rate" Version = 1 UniformChargeUse[1] = 0.470673 .. END_OF_FILE