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<div>THis is probably a pretty basic question, but I haven't been able to find the answer. I've entered a building in Design Development wizard, and entered some simple EEM measures. So far so good. </div>
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<div>1. I go to detailed data edit mode to fine-tune some details. If I go back to wizard data edit, I am warned that I will lose any changes I've made in detailed mode. Fair enough. However, I need to add an EEM measure, for example fixing duct leakage, which is a detailed mode feature. I can't find any way to enter an EEM measure in detailed mode, without going back to wizard mode and losing my work. How does one enter EEMs in detailed mode? I've been searching for some menu item or button but haven't located any. </div>
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<div>2. I would like to add an EEM for adding solar electric panels. I do not find such an EEM in the EEM wizard, but I do find it in the detailed data edit mode. But if I add solar panels there, it only applies to the baseline run if I understand correctly. So this becomes the same as question #1 - How would I add a detailed data edit mode EEM like solar electric panels to one of the EEM runs? </div>
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